They Never Forget a Face. Research Delves into How ‘Super-Recognizers’ Can Do This.
Super-recognizers never forget a face. They need to focus on it only once to instantly recognize it again, even if they encounter it years later, and sometimes even if they see only one feature, such as the eyes. They also can get a pretty good idea of what a face looks like in profile if they initially see it straight on. Most ordinary people see faces differently. Their brains take a frontal facial snapshot, which usually is how they remember it — if they can remember it at all.
The (Literally) Effortless Way to Learn Faster and Improve Your Memory, Backed by Science
We all have things we need to remember. A pitch. A presentation. Material for a test. So you study. You read and re-read. And highlight. And re-read again. You devote what at least feel like endless hours to the pursuit of knowledge and recall. And even if you do manage to remember what you needed to remember, still: The process of learning took way too much time and effort. If that sounds like you -- because it certainly sounds like me -- science has the solution.
Ask the Witness Only Once
In the latest edition of PSPI, researchers look at the problems with eyewitness misidentifications in the courtroom and explain why prosecutors and law enforcement should test a witness’s memory of a suspect only once.
One and Done: Researchers Urge Testing Eyewitness Memory Only Once
To prevent wrongful convictions, only the first identification of a suspect should be considered, according to the latest issue of Psychological Science in the Public Interest.
Dr. Aaron T. Beck, Developer of Cognitive Therapy, Dies at 100
Dr. Aaron T. Beck, whose brand of pragmatic, thought-monitoring psychotherapy became the centerpiece of a scientific transformation in the treatment of depression, anxiety and many related mental disorders, died on Monday at his home in Philadelphia. He was 100. His death was confirmed by Alex Shortall, an executive assistant at the Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Bala Cynwyd, Pa., outside Philadelphia. Dr. Beck’s daughter Dr. Judith Beck is its president. Dr.
How Scientists Learned to Enter People’s Dreams
Billionaires are jetting themselves into space and quantum computing lies around the corner. Yet one of the most familiar and everyday aspects of human nature remains frustratingly tricky for scientists to study – dreaming. Theories abound, but the truth is we don’t really know much about why or how we dream. A major hurdle for scientists has been the fact that when people are dreaming, they’re largely closed off from the world, at least that’s been the assumption for a long while. So researchers have resorted to asking people, upon awakening, what their mind was doing while they were sleeping, but that’s a sketchy and unreliable approach.