Study: Single-sex education may do more harm than good
The Washington Post: The push for more single-sex instruction in public schools is based on weak, “misconstrued” scientific claims rather than solid research and may do more harm than good, according to a study published in the journal Science on Thursday.
Non voters
CBC The Homestretch: In the recent PC leadership vote, Gary Mar emerged as the clear favourite, but many registered PC voters stayed home that day. Mar's team is hoping that if those party members come out for the next ballot, most will vote for him. Based on the numbers, that seems reasonable to assume, but a new study in the journal Psychological Science says you can't assume anything about people who haven't voted yet. Namkje Koudenburg is one of its authors. She's a graduate student at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. Find out more: CBC The Homestretch
Il sesto senso per gli «untori»
Corriere della Sera: Secondo uno studio delle Università del Kentucky e della Florida pubblicato su Psychological Science, quando siamo convalescenti sviluppiamo una sorta di sesto senso nei confronti di chi potrebbe essere portatore di un agente infettivo per noi dannoso in quel particolare momento in cui ancora non ci siamo del tutto ripresi e lo evitiamo prudentemente riuscendo a riconoscerlo semplicemente dalla faccia. Non si tratta quindi di percepire eventuali agenti patogeni trasmissibili perché i soggetti esaminati sono stati in grado di individuare subito chi avrebbe potuto infettarli guardandolo dallo schermo di un computer in cui venivano presentate varie facce.
How do you bounce back from a break-up? Be kind to yourself
Daily Mail: Being kind to yourself could be the solution to coping with a broken heart. Self-compassion helps people survive a break-up without bitterness and get back on their feet more quickly, scientists say. Recent divorcees who developed the trait recovered The findings could have implications for helping people learn to handle break-ups in better spirits. And they may explain why divorcees consumed with ill-feeling are unable to carry on a normal life. The research involved 105 men and women with an average age of 40 who had been married for more than 13 years.
BFFing yourself: People pick friends just like themselves
TODAY Health: Ever wonder what your friends see in you? It might just be themselves, according to new research published in the scientific social psychology journal Group Processes and Intergroup Relations. "When you have opportunity to choose your friends, you will tend to choose people who are similar to you; there's a lot of evidence that we like similar others," says Chris Crandall, psychology professor at the University of Kansas and co-author of the study entitled "Social Ecology of Similarity: Big Schools, Small Schools and Social Relationships." "It's an amazingly powerful affect.
Active lifestyle, positive thinking keeps you feeling young
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: Dennis Czarnowski plays softball nearly every day, works full time -- and even closes down the bars regularly, playing billiards and other games while drinking soda with friends. People might be surprised to know that Czarnowski turns 60 on Oct. 9 -- the day before he'll attend a Helmet concert, and participate in the mosh pit. He has a grandchild and a great-grandchild. But who says he's too old for these activities? "I feel like I'm a 27-year-old," says the Tarentum resident, who owns Del's Custard in Natrona Heights. Is 60 really the new 40, as people say? Or 80 the new 60?