Rischio cardiovascolare se nella coppia non c’è sostegno morale (Cardiovascular risk in the pair if there is no moral support)
La Stampa: Nelle coppie di fatto spesso si litiga, non c’è solidarietà. Questa solidarietà, che dovrebbe essere reciproca, spesso però viene a mancare. In molti casi la mancanza di sostegno avviene da parte sia di lui che di lei, ma può anche capitare che sia solo uno dei due partner a non essere di sostegno all’altro, magari facendo delle pressioni psicologiche o morali per le questioni più disparate. In tutti questi casi a soffrirne non è soltanto il morale, ma anche e soprattutto il cuore, dimostrando che la salute del cuore è collegata proprio alle questioni di cuore. Rapporti problematici promuovono dunque una salute cardiovascolare altrettanto problematica.
Mental Health on the Go
The Huffington Post: Journalist Scott Stossel was so anxious at his own wedding that he had to hold on to his new bride in order to steady himself at the altar. His clothes were by then soaked through by torrential sweat. At the birth of his first child, with his wife in the throes of labor, the nurses had to turn their attention to the expectant father, who had gone pale and keeled over. He has also had breakdowns in the middle of job interviews, dates and plane flights. Even ordinary activities like talking on the phone can trigger pervasive dread, accompanied by nausea, shaking, and vertigo. ...
Hatred of Outsiders Kicks in Between Ages 6 and 8
Pacific Standard: At what point in our young lives do we start thinking of people who are different from us as enemies? Provocative new research from Germany suggests this problematic psychological process—which underpins racism, extreme nationalism, and prejudice of all sorts—kicks in somewhere around age seven. Love for one’s own group and hatred for perceived outsiders are separate attitudes that emerge at different stages of a child’s development, according to University of Erfurt researchers David Buttelmann and Robert Böhm. In the journal Psychological Science, they present evidence that six-year-olds show clear bias in favor of a group they belong to.
Little Authoritarians: The Closing of Young Minds
The Huffington Post: John Dean, former Nixon crony, White House lawyer and Watergate co-conspirator, turned on the Republican Party a few years ago. The reason for his turnabout, he writes in his book Conservatives Without Conscience, is that true conservatism has been perverted by politicians and thinkers -- primarily the religious right -- who embrace an extreme version of authoritarianism, in both philosophy and policy. This authoritarian mentality, as Dean sees it, celebrates obedience, intolerance, and government intrusion into citizens' choices and personal values.
Study finds women may be more likely to have fling with wide-headed men
Wired: Are you a man with a wide head in search of a fling? If so, you're in luck, as according to a new study in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, women may find men with wide heads more appealing for short-term dates and perceive them to be more masculine than men with narrower offerings. "Our study shows that within three minutes of meeting in real life, women find more dominant, wider-faced men attractive for short-term relationships, and want to go on another date with them," says psychological scientist and lead researcher Katherine Valentine of Singapore Management University.
The Meat Paradox: How Carnivores Think About Dinner
Temple Grandin is widely known as an advocate for animal welfare. She is also a slaughterhouse designer and meat eater. She has spent much of her professional life promoting humane practices for livestock farms and slaughtering plants, and has been recognized by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals for her tireless efforts. She has also written in defense of meat as a food, and is embraced as an ally by the meat industry. A couple years ago, she even defended the beef industry’s controversial marketing of pink slime. Grandin has no trouble reconciling these views and activities. But she does have to reconcile them, as we all do.