Do You Suffer From Illusions Of Moral Superiority?
NPR: Do you think you're more honest than the average person? More principled? More fair? If so, you're not alone. Studies consistently find that people think they're morally superior to others: more honest, principled and fair. This is hardly an isolated belief — people also think they're better than average when it comes to competence, intelligence and a host of other positive characteristics. Yet we aren't like the children of Lake Wobegone, who — we know from Garrison Keillor — are all above average. If all of us think we're above average, at least some of us are wrong. Read the whole story: NPR
Kleine Aufmerksamkeiten
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Der Weg in ein Leben als schlechter Mensch wird in Trippelschritten gegangen. Eine kleine Verfehlung öffnet die Tür zur nächsten kleinen Schweinerei, bis irgendwann der Punkt erreicht ist, an dem sowieso alles egal ist und die inneren Dämme gebrochen sind. Psychologen um Nils Köbis von der Universität Amsterdam haben jedoch eine Ausnahme von dieser Regel identifiziert: Wenn es um Bestechung geht, dann neigen auch unbescholtene Menschen dazu, sehr plötzlich zu diesem unethischen Mittel zu greifen - ohne sich zuvor mit kleinen Verfehlungen erst einmal quasi aufzuwärmen. Read the whole story: Süddeutsche Zeitung
Hypocrites, be honest
The Boston Globe: ACCORDING TO YALE University researchers, condemning someone else’s immoral behavior helps your own reputation, because when you condemn others, it’s a signal that you’re clean — more so than if you directly state that you’re clean. This is why hypocrisy is judged so harshly, because it violates the implicit assumption that you wouldn’t condemn unless you were really virtuous. As such, hypocrisy is judged even more harshly than lying about your behavior. However, honest hypocrisy — condemning others but also admitting your own misbehavior — is judged less harshly than lying. Read the whole story: The Boston Globe
Here’s How Many Calories You’ll Eat During the Super Bowl
TIME: The game lasts four hours, but what you eat will stick with you way longer than that. By some (admittedly unscientific) estimates, Americans who snack on typical Super Bowl fare, like pizza, beer, soda, chips, dips, hot wings and nachos, could take in as many as 2,400 calories and 121 grams of fat just during the game. ... Add on a few miles if you happen to root for the team that loses. A 2013 study in the journal Psychological Science found that on the Monday after a big football game, people who had cheered for the team that lost ate 16% more saturated fat than they usually did.
We Dislike Hypocrites Because They Deceive Us
We’re averse to hypocrites because their disavowal of bad behavior sends a false signal, misleading us into thinking they’re virtuous when they’re not, findings from a psychological study show.
People Are Surprisingly Bad at Knowing Who Their Rivals Are
New research suggests that we’re much better at knowing who likes us than who is competing against us at work.