Young Children Show Improved Verbal IQ After 20 Days of Exposure to Music-Based Cognitive Training ‘Cartoons’
Canadian scientists who specialize in learning, memory and language in children have found exciting evidence that pre-schoolers can improve their verbal intelligence after only 20 days of classroom instruction using interactive, music-based cognitive training cartoons. The study – conducted at York University by Dr. Sylvain Moreno, who is now with Baycrest’s Rotman Research Institute (RRI) – is posted online today in Psychological Science (a journal of the Association for Psychological Science), ahead of print publication in the October issue of the journal.
Creative types are full of themselves, study confirms
msnbc.com: You might know some extremely creative people who are anything but humble about their talents -- the full-of-himself actor, the self-important artist, the vain musician, the pompous writer or -- possibly most annoying of all -- the insufferable ad agency creative type (think Don Draper from "Mad Men"). A new study reveals there may be a kernel of truth to these cultural stereotypes. The research, published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences, stopped short of labeling creative types as jerks, but it didn't paint a pretty portrait of some aspects of their personalities, either.
People say they want to eat healthy, then order junk food
Two faces, double chin “Never mind that some restaurants have started listing calories on their menus,” says Associated Press. “Forget even that we keep saying we want to eat healthy. When Americans eat out, we order burgers and fries anyway. … In a country where more than two-thirds of the population is overweight or obese, food choices are often made on impulse, not intellect.
Talk Therapy Lifts Severe Schizophrenics
The New York Times: People with severe schizophrenia who have been isolated, withdrawn and considered beyond help can learn to become more active, social and employable by engaging in a type of talk therapy that was invented to treat depression, scientists reported on Monday. These new findings suggest that such patients have far more capability to improve their lives than was previously assumed and, if replicated, could change the way that doctors treat the one million patients for whom the disorder is profoundly limiting. The therapy — a variant of cognitive behavior therapy, which focuses on defusing self-defeating assumptions — increased motivation and reduced symptoms.
Myslet i v analogiích umí i opice
Science World: Co se přesně analogií myslí? Např. to, že kočka se stará o koťata a dospělý pták o ptáčata. Nebo že můžeme rozpůlit čtverec podobně jako kruh – abstraktní idea společná těmto vztahům (vztah matka-potomek a půlení). Řada vědců si ale dosud myslela, že k tomu, abychom to takto chápali, potřebujeme jazyk/přemýšlení v pojmech. Jak se zdá, není to pravda. Netřeba k tomu ani inteligence velkých lidoopů. Joël Fagot z Laboratoire de Psychologie Cognitive (CNRS/Université de Provence) a Roger Thompson z Franklin & Marshall College (USA) provedli následující experiment, o němž referoval časopis Psychological Science.
Cinco consejos para envejecer con gracia
CNN Mexico: Olvida esa perspectiva que nos ha enseñado la vida moderna sobre que la vejez es aburrida. Tendrás mayor tiempo libre y ningún otro miembro de tu familia dependerá económicamente de ti. Aprovecha ese tiempo para realizar actividades que disfrutes y te hagan sentir bien contigo mismo. Eso también incluye el sexo. Esta edad podría ser la mejor para disfrutarlo. El sexo en la vejez suele ser más lento, controlado y la mente podría encontrarse en una mejor etapa para disfrutar de esta actividad, según un estudio publicado en Psychological Science. Read the whole story: CNN Mexico