Questionable Research Practices Surprisingly Common
Not all scientific misconduct is flat-out fraud. Much falls into the murkier realm of “questionable research practices.” A new study finds that in one field, psychology, these practices are surprisingly common. The survey of more than 2,000 research psychologists, published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, finds that most have engaged in at least one of the questionable practices at some point in their career. “There have been some very widely publicized cases of outright fraud,” says Leslie K. John of Harvard Business School.
Studies probe why people choke in clutch situations
Scripps Howard News Service: When the typically solid free-throw sinker fails to find net in a close game's waning minutes, when the firm's best deal-sealer falters in the final round of negotiations, when a baseball team's closer becomes a blow-ser in the final inning -- the choke talk begins. Psychologists and brain scientists have been working for years to understand why talented, competent people don't rise to the occasion in clutch situations.
¿Por qué movemos los ojos al pensar?
Yahoo! España: Vas caminando por la calle, un extraño te para y te pregunta cómo llegar a algún punto alejado. Indefectiblemente te detienes a pensar, y tus ojos se mueven involuntariamente a lugares a los que ni siquiera miras en realidad. Llamamos a estos rápidos movimientos oculares sacádicos, y a día de hoy desconocemos su por qué. Investigaciones pasadas, sugerían que los que los movimientos de los ojos hacia la derecha, provocados por el hemisferio cerebral opuesto, se dan cuando una cuestión necesita obtener pensamiento verbal, mientras que los movimientos de los ojos hacia la izquierda implican que el problema requiere del empleo de imágenes visuales.
Les mathématiques des sites de rencontre
Agence Science-Presse: Incroyable, mais vrai: il se glisserait des erreurs dans les sites web de rencontre. Cinq psychologues américains ont voulu creuser scientifiquement une épineuse question: quelle est l’efficacité d’un site de rencontre? Car ces sites ont beau se compter par milliers, de la grande multinationale jusqu’à la petite entreprise locale, ils n’en sont pas moins sur la même longueur d’onde: tous affirment que leur méthode pour trouver un partenaire est supérieure aux méthodes «traditionnelles» —celles du lointain 20e siècle. Qu’en est-il réellement?
Can You Learn to Play an Instrument at 40? Q&A with Psychologist Gary Marcus
TIME: Can someone with no musical talent learn to play guitar as an adult? That’s what New York University psychology professor Gary Marcus wanted to find out when he turned 40. Along the way, he discovered that the struggle to learn was as rewarding as playing music itself. In honor of national Wanna Play Music Week, Healthland spoke with Marcus, author of Guitar Zero: The New Musician and the Science of Learning. Why did you start this project? I always wanted to make music but at the same time, thought it was completely out of my reach. I had several very disappointing experiences as a child trying to learn.
Sexy women’s bodies in ads seen as objects
United Press International: Both men and women see images of sexy women's bodies in advertisements as objects, but they see sexy-looking men as people, Belgian researchers found. "What's unclear is, we don't actually know whether people at a basic level recognize sexualized females or sexualized males as objects," Philippe Bernard of Universite libre de Bruxelles in Belgium said in a statement. Study co-authors Bernard, Sarah Gervais, Jill Allen, Sophie Campomizzi and Olivier Klein said one way psychologists found to test whether something is seen as an object is by turning it upside down.