Awesome Experiences Make Us Nicer
Discovery News: Awesome Experiences Make Us Nicer: Ever feel changed after watching an amazing sunset, or reaching the summit of a mountain or seeing the Northern Lights? There's a reason for that, say psychologists. New research published in the journal Psychological Science shows that awe-inspiring moments can literally make time seem to stand still, or at least slow down. That feeling improves our mental health since many people often feel time-deprived in this modernized world. Read the whole story: Discovery News
Pressed for Time? Take a Minute to Feel Awe
LiveScience: If you're feeling pressed for time, try hiking to a mountain vista or listening to a masterful symphony. New research suggests that the resulting awe may leave you feeling less rushed. Experiencing awe makes people feel as if time is plentiful, according to a new study to be published in the journal Psychological Science. Not many emotions make people feel that way, study researcher Melanie Rudd, a graduate student in business at Stanford University, told LiveScience. "We kind of run around with these very hectic day-to-day lives," Rudd said.
‘Wakeful Resting’ More Effective Than Crosswords To Fight Memory Loss
The Huffington Post: While recent reports have suggested taking naps during the day could be a sign of impending dementia, mental refreshment does remain vital for cognitive health, report psychologists. In an article to be published in the journal Psychological Science, psychological scientist Michaela Dewar and her colleagues show that memory can be boosted by taking a brief 'wakeful rest' after learning something verbally new and that memory lasts not just immediately but over a longer term. "Our findings support the view that the formation of new memories is not completed within seconds," says Dewar, in a statement.
Solving for X, among the neurons
I have a fence that needs scraping and painting, and I’m pretty sure I can do the whole job in six hours. My friend Jack, who is an experienced painter, wants me to hire him. He promises he can have a new coat of paint on the fence in four hours. I’m tempted, but I’m wondering, what if Jack and I work together? If he does the trim and other detail work, and I do the easy brushing, we should be able to wrap this job up by lunchtime, easy. But how long will it take, exactly? This is what, in algebra, we call a “word problem.” I always loved word problems when I was in school, because unlike a lot of math, they seemed connected to natural situations that actually occur in real life.
Le scene hot al cinema anticipano la “prima volta”
La Stampa: Lunghe effusioni tra i protagonisti, incontri da bollino rosso magari con rapporti sessuali non troppi velati. Le scene "hot" che si possono trovare in migliaia di film possono influenzare i giovanissimi spettatori, abbassando anche l'età del primo rapporto. A rivelarlo è un ampio studio dell'University of Missouri (Usa), pubblicato sulla rivista "Association for Psychological Science". «Molte ricerche hanno già dimostrato - spiega Ross O'Hara, autore dello studio - che gli atteggiamenti e i comportamenti sessuali degli adolescenti sono influenzati dai media. Ma il ruolo dei film è stato trascurato.
New Research on Memory From Psychological Science
Read about new research published in Psychological Science that examines how we represent and search for things in memory. Saved by a Log: How Do Humans Perform Hybrid Visual and Memory Search? Jeremy M. Wolfe Current theories of how humans perform concurrent visual and memory-based searches are based on very small set sizes and indicate a linear relationship between memory and visual set size and search time. However, if this linear relationship were applied to larger visual and memory set sizes, it would lead to prohibitively long search times. In several experiments, participants memorized 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, or 100 items and searched for them in displays containing 1-16 items.