Help NIH Survey Accomplishments of Health-Related Behavioral Science Research: Comment by July 31

outlines of hands raised with heart and plus sign symbols for healthcare

The National Institutes of Health Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR) is cultivating a list of public health and healthcare accomplishments made possible by behavioral and social sciences research and wants your help as it puts the list together. Psychological scientists can submit what they view as accomplishments of the field and comment and vote on existing submissions. The deadline for submitting a comment is July 31, 2019.

Behavioral scientists interested in submitting a comment should describe the accomplishment and its impact, and how behavioral and social sciences research contributed to the interventions or policies that led to the accomplishment. OBSSR encourages submissions to include specifics about the basic and applied science related to the accomplishment. Acceptable accomplishments are not limited to NIH-funded research.

After receiving the comments, a panel of NIH experts will review the submissions. OBSSR staff will select the comments rated highly by the panel and list them on the OBSSR website. NIH will use this information in updating its 2013 fact sheet describing key accomplishments of health-related behavioral science, as well as for other purposes.

To submit your comment to the Behavioral and Social Sciences Research Accomplishments or read more about the initiative, click here.

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