Articles Containing “memory” — 2299 result(s)

A Response to Lilienfeld, Woods and Garb TAT-Based Personality Measures Have Considerable Validity By Barbara A. Woike1 and Dan P. McAdams2 The November 2000 issue of Psychological Science in the Public Interest (Vol 1, No.

Overview The Department of Psychology at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) has cultivated a tradition of strong, empirically based teaching and research in contemporary experimental psychology. The twenty-six faculty, fifty graduate students, and

Overview The University of Kentucky was founded in 1865 as the Agricultural and Mechanical College and was renamed the University of Kentucky in 1916. The university has 1,813 full time faculty members, 16,847 undergraduates, and

Overview Connecticut College is a highly selective, coeducational, private liberal arts college. It is located in historic New London, on the north shore of Long Island Sound. The beautiful campus occupies 702 acres (including the