Articles Containing “memory” — 2299 result(s)

A watershed moment has arrived at the National Science Board, the governing body of the National Science Foundation.  For the first time in the prestigious body’s 56 years, three of its sitting members are psychological

Aging. To many people it’s wrinkles, retirement communities, and a steady decline in the ability to remember things. But before you reach for the Botox or buy a sports car, you might be interested in

APS Fellow and former Board Member Lewis Lipsitt, Professor Emeritus at Brown University, received an honorary doctorate degree from the University of Athens, Greece, this November for his work in the psychology of infant behavior

APS President Morton Ann Gernsbacher, University of Wisconsin-Madison I have a 10-year-old son, who knows other 10-year-old kids, so over the years my family has bought its share of beef sticks from the Boy Scouts