Articles Containing “memory” — 2299 result(s)

Feldman Barrett’s NIH Pioneer Award APS Fellow Lisa Feldman Barrett has received the prestigious NIH Director’s Pioneer Award. Feldman Barrett is one of 12 new awardees who will each receive $2.5 million to support their

In case there was any doubt, the future of psychological science is in good hands. Here we present exemplars of today’s young psychological scientists; researchers who, although they may not be very advanced in years

Because he was born and spent his formative years in Vienna, you might assume that Harry Bahrick’s academic “family tree” reaches back to his hometown’s Sigmund Freud, or perhaps to neighboring Switzerland’s Carl Jung, or

The Observer recently invited our charter members to share their memories of APS. What was happening at the founding of the Association? What prompted them to join and remain loyal members for 20 years. Here