Articles Containing “memory” — 2299 result(s)

Paul Ekman University of California, San Francisco Paul Ekman has developed methods that allow psychologists to read emotion from the human face. In so doing he has been able to show the universality of emotional

Emanuel Donchin University of South Florida Through his published work, the students he has trained, and the conferences that he has organized, Emanuel Donchin has profoundly influenced the emergence of cognitive psychophysiology as a subdiscipline

Fergus I.M. Craik Rotman Research Institute Fergus I.M. Craik has been one of the most influential students of memory in our time. In the early 1970s he and his colleagues proposed a new framework for

Lawrence Weiskrantz University of Oxford Lawrence Weiskrantz’s incisive experimental work with monkeys and people coupled with his creative theoretical thinking, carried out over nearly four decades, has profoundly influenced the field of cognitive neuroscience. His

Daniel M. Wegner Harvard University Some psychological scientists generate theories that others test; some generate tests that others admire. Wegner does both. Daniel Wegner has spent his scientific career identifying new and important problems and

John Jonides University of Michigan, Ann Arbor John Jonides has substantially altered the field of cognitive neuroscience in ways that have important continuing impact. He has shown that neuroimaging data can be used to enhance