Articles Containing “memory” — 2299 result(s)

  Bayes for Beginners: Probability and Likelihood Bayes for Beginners 2: The Prior Bayes for Beginners 3: The Prior in Probabilistic Inference C. Randy Gallistel Presidential Column, Observer, September – October – November 2015 &nbsp

  Researchers Find That Frequent Tests Can Boost Learning Psychological Science in the News, August 2015 What Are the Best and Worst Ways to Prepare for an Exam? Psychological Science in the News, July 2015

Better Minds Ahead: Understanding Cognitive Enhancement Observer, October 2017 Do ‘Brain-Training’ Programs Work? Psychological Science in the Public Interest, September 2016 Brain Training Doesn’t Make You Smarter David Z. Hambrick Scientific American, December 2014 Working