Video: Commemorating Women’s History Month with Psychological Science
In observance of the 2022 celebration, APS has collected and summarized flash talks from our 2021 Virtual Convention that discuss the effects of systemic sexism, gender stereotypes, and discrimination against women to reiterate the need for gender equality and acceptance.
New Content From Current Directions in Psychological Science
A sample of articles on social media, language comprehension, intelligence (and other variables) tracking, human movement patterns data, early language learning and auditory experiences, personality change, and digital games and skill acquisition.
Collected Research on War, Conflict, and Authoritarianism
Research on war, conflict, and authoritarianism published in various APS journals between 2008 and 2020.
Constellations Across Cultures: How Our Visual Systems Pick Out Patterns in the Night Sky
The Big Dipper, Orion, and the Pleiades are just a few of the many recognizable star patterns in the night sky. New research published in the journal Psychological Science reveals that our visual processing system may explain the striking commonality of constellations across cultures.
New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on incel activity on social media, the gender-equality paradox in chess, sources of regret, personality structure across nations, feedback and decision-making, early socioeconomic circumstances and physical activity in older adults, stopping actions, and mathematical ability.
Expect the Unexpected: Why We Process Surprising Objects More Deeply
We tend to pay greater attention to incongruent objects, making us less likely to remember details about and changes to congruent objects.