Oxytocin: Not Just the “Cuddle Chemical”
SELF Magazine: Feeling all warm and fuzzy? Chalk it up to oxytocin, the touchy-feely hormone that enables mothers to bond with their babies (thus the nickname the "cuddle chemical"). Oxytocin fluctuates throughout our lives--during and after childbirth, as well as when you're sexually aroused or reach the big O. But this feel-good chemical may have a surprising dark side, according to research published in the August issue of the journal Current Directions in Psychological Science. Rather than oxytocin making them feel like they were in the "trust tree" singing "Kumbaya," study subjects given the chemical before playing a game of chance exhibited more gloating and envy of their opponents.
Home builders need to look beyond the focus group to learn what buyers want
Washington Post: What do home buyers want? For more than two decades, home builders have sought to answer this perplexing question by sifting through the information gleaned from focus groups. Typically, the people who participate are looking for a new home or have recently purchased one. The builders ask them questions and incorporate their responses into the making of the next subdivision. But the focus group input does not dramatically affect the sales, and the builders fume that “buyers are liars.” Not at all, said Dan Ariely, a professor of behavioral economics at Duke University. The problem is the subject under discussion, not the truthfulness of the respondents.
Pets may not contribute to better health: researcher
The Globe and Mail: You get home after a rough day -- its high point being laid off, getting dumped or finding out your mom's in the hospital -- and Old Yeller charges over, panting with glee at your arrival. Instantly, your face breaks into a smile and the day's worries subside. This could be a PSA that suggests pets equal a longer, happier life, no? Read more:
Video gamers are ‘searching for their ideal selves’
The Telegraph: Scientists at the University of Essex have found that millions of people around the world enjoy playing the latest video games, as many find it the best way to try out different characteristics they would like to have. The study is part of ongoing scientific research by Dr Andy Przybylski, a visiting research fellow at Essex University, into why video games appeal to so many people, leading them to play for a combined global total of three billion hours a week. "A game can be more fun when you get the chance to act and be like your ideal self," said Dr. Przybylski.
Baby’s Palate And Food Memories Shaped Before Birth
NPR: Want your child to love veggies? Start early. Very early. Research shows that what a woman eats during pregnancy not only nourishes her baby in the womb, but may shape food preferences later in life. At 21 weeks after conception, a developing baby weighs about as much as a can of Coke — and he or she can taste it, too. Still in the womb, the growing baby gulps down several ounces of amniotic fluid daily. That fluid surrounding the baby is actually flavored by the foods and beverages the mother has eaten in the last few hours.
Defining Economic Interest
The New York Times: Republican resistance to raising taxes represents a distinctly minority view. The latest New York Times/CBS poll shows that only 34 percent of adults believe that taxes should not be increased on households earning $250,000 or more to lower the budget deficit. Even this modest percentage surprises me, because only about 2 percent of American households report income above this amount. Most conservative economists argue that higher tax rates at the top would hurt everyone because they would lower economic growth. I don’t buy this argument for a variety of reasons that I’ve explained elsewhere. However, the argument seems pretty easy to sell.