¡Cuidado con las madres lactantes!
Univision: Las madres lactantes protegen a sus bebés y a sí mismas más agresivamente que las madres que alimentan a sus bebés con biberón o las mujeres que no tienen hijos, afirman investigadores. El estudio, en que participaron 18 madres lactantes, 17 mujeres que alimentaban a sus hijos con biberón y 20 mujeres que no eran madres, halló que la agresión en las madres lactantes se asocia con una presión arterial reducida.
Meer belasting betalen maakt ons gelukkiger
MSN Nederland: Regelmatig gaan in ons land stemmen op om een vlaktaks in te voeren, vooral de rechtse partijen zijn hier voorstander van. Bij een vlaktaks betaalt iedereen hetzelfde percentage belasting over zijn inkomen. In Nederland kennen we juist een progressief belastingstelsel waarbij het relatieve tarief hoger wordt naarmate het inkomen stijgt. Nu zou je verwachten dat een vlaktaks, waarbij iedereen relatief hetzelfde bijdraagt, zou leiden tot gelukkiger mensen. Maar het tegendeel blijkt waar. Uit een nieuwe studie van verschillende Amerikaanse universiteiten blijkt dat het vlakker maken van belastingen ook het sociale welbevinden afvlakt.
9/11: What else it taught us
Boston Globe: Sept. 11 transformed the world of American ideas in many ways—fueling sharp debates about America’s role in world affairs, about the clash of religions, about freedom and security. Money flowed into counter-terrorism research. Universities hired experts on Islam and the Middle East; students flocked to courses on any subject they thought might help them understand what had happened. The attacks also began to reshape our knowledge in ways that didn’t make headlines, revealing gaps in our knowledge of terrorism, of the costs of security, of the human response to trauma.
Breast-Feeding Makes Women ‘Mama Bears’
Yahoo! Canada: Like mama bears ferociously protecting their young, new research suggests human moms, at least those who are breast-feeding, can act more aggressively than others. In a controlled lab setting, breast-feeding moms were indeed more aggressive toward people who were rude to them. "Breast-feeding mothers aren’t going to go out and get into bar fights, but if someone is threatening them or their infant, our research suggests they may be more likely to defend themselves in an aggressive manner," study researcher Jennifer Hahn-Holbrook, of the University of California in Los Angeles, said in a statement.
Narcissists Make Horrible Bosses: Study
U.S. News & World Report: Narcissists' too-high opinion of themselves means they don't make good business or political leaders, according to a new study. Traits such as high self-esteem, confidence and dominance often help narcissists rise to the top, but once they take over, their self-involvement and authoritarianism get in the way, the researchers explained. The researchers' study of 150 people who were asked to make decisions in groups of three showed that narcissists' self-centeredness impeded the free and creative exchange of ideas, which is a crucial part of effective group decision-making and performance. In the study, each group was asked to choose a job candidate.
The psychology of terror
WXIA: Anthony Lemieux is a professor at the Emory School of Medicine whose speciality is the psychology of terror. 11Alive News talked to him about al-Qaeda's threat of violence to coincide with the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Professor Lemieux says he is not surprised by that threat. He says al-Qaeda likes to warn of violent attacks on symbolic dates, such as this anniversary. He says what is interesting is that in this instance, we are talking about three individuals, which is very stripped down from the scale of the attacks ten years ago.