Taxer les riches rendrait les nations heureuses
Slate France: Aux Etats-Unis, en France et en Allemagne, des riches se sont déclarés prêts à plus payer d'impôts pour résorber la dette publique. «La plupart des riches américains ne seraient pas incommodés si on leur demandait de payer plus d’impôts, particulièrement quand beaucoup de nos concitoyens souffrent», avait ainsi déclaré le milliardaire américain Warren Buffett dans une tribune du New York Times. Et il semblerait que leur initiative pourrait avoir un impact sur le bonheur des nations. Plus un système fiscal est progressif, plus les habitants sont heureux: une conclusion à laquelle est parvenu un psychologue de l’université de Virginie, nous indique Good.
Bi men exist, new study says
The Bay Area Reporter: A new study using improved methodology has debunked previous findings suggesting that self-identified bisexual men are not actually attracted to both men and women. Looking at a more carefully selected study population, researchers from Northwestern University found that bi men demonstrated sexual arousal when shown explicit movies featuring both men and women. "Although it's obvious to those of us who identify as bisexual men that we exist and that our sexual attractions are valid, this research has righted a tremendous wrong," said Ron Suresha, editor of the anthologies Bi Men: Coming Out Every Which Way and Bi Guys.
Being In the “No”: Questions Influence What We Remember
Imagine that you are sitting in the park, deeply engaged in a conversation with your loved one. A group of teenagers pass by in front of you. The next day you learn that the police are looking for someone to identify them as these teenagers are suspected of a serious mugging. You would most probably not be able to make a positive identification. Do you really have absolutely no memory for their faces? A new study, which will be published in an upcoming issue of Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, suggests that such information will make its way into your memory anyway.
A Yale Psychologist Calls for the End of Individual Psychotherapy
TIME: Is individual therapy overrated and outdated? Yes, says Alan Kazdin, a professor of psychology and child psychiatry at Yale University, writing in the leading journal Perspectives on Psychological Science. Kazdin contends that treatments for mental health issues have made great strides over the last few decades, but the problem is that these evidence-based therapies aren't getting to the people who need them. Nearly 50% of the American population will suffer some kind of mental illness at least once in their lifetimes, but the mental health field, which relies largely on individual psychotherapy to deliver care, isn't equipped to help the vast majority of patients.
What if the Secret to Success Is Failure?
The New York Times: Dominic Randolph can seem a little out of place at Riverdale Country School — which is odd, because he’s the headmaster. Riverdale is one of New York City’s most prestigious private schools, with a 104-year-old campus that looks down grandly on Van Cortlandt Park from the top of a steep hill in the richest part of the Bronx.
SpongeBob impairs little kids’ thinking, study finds
Los Angeles Times: Watching just a short bit of the wildly popular kids TV show "SpongeBob SquarePants" has been known to give many parents headaches. Psychologists have now found that a brief exposure to SpongeBob, Patrick, Squidward and the rest of the crew also appears to dampen preschoolers' brain power. Angeline Lillard and Jennifer Peterson, both of the University of Virginia's department of psychology, wanted to see whether watching fast-paced television had an immediate influence on kids' executive function -- skills including attention, working memory, problem solving and delay of gratification that are associated with success in school.