Much More Online

Million-Dollar Missed Opportunities
Tips for getting education research funding from the U.S. National Science Foundation and the Institute of Education Sciences.

A Guide to the “Hidden Curriculum”
Learn about an innovative effort to facilitate antiracist progress in graduate education, and catch up with other early-career webinars.

Transparency and Reproducibility
Studies suggest that even when transparent practices are adopted, they might not be correctly implemented by researchers.

Podcast: Handwriting Beats Typing
Writing plays a valuable part in language learning, helping people learn faster than typing or watching videos. Listen to Under the Cortex.

Current Directions in Psychological Science Podcast
Journal Editor Robert Goldstone invites researchers to dive deeper into the compelling insights behind their recently published research.

What is Systemic About Systemic Racism?
APS Past President Shinobu Kitayama reflects on the role social institutions play in racism and the pioneering researcher who fought for the cause of understanding Black lives.

Sinking Sexist Stereotypes With Data
Meta-analytic work is toppling long-held assumptions about differences between men and women.

Visit the MITM archive to view media coverage of our members’ research and to learn more about how they are sharing psychological science with the public.

Read about APS Fellows being selected for prestigious awards and appointments, as well as notable losses among the psychological science community.

The Bias of Crowds: Beyond Diversity Training
Taking steps to create more equal social environments can change our minds.
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