Members in the News
Elizabeth Adkins-Regan, Cornell University, Science, May 29, 2009: Under the Influence of Hormones.
Jamie Arndt, University of Missouri, Columbia, The New York Times, Jul 6, 2009: Why the Imp in Your Brain Gets Out.
Chris I. Baker, National Institute of Mental Health, NPR (Marketplace), Jul 1, 2009: False Signals Cause Misleading Brain Scans.
Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, Columbia University, Forbes, Jun 17, 2009: Time Off Debate: Infancy Versus the Teen Years.
Ray Bull, University of Leicester, The New York Times, May 11, 2009: Judging Honesty by Words, Not Fidgets.
David M. Buss, University of Texas at Austin, Newsweek, Jun 20, 2009: Why Do We Rape, Kill and Sleep Around?
Andrew J. Calder, MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences, Science, May 15, 2009: A Key Role for Similarity in Vicarious Reward.
W. Keith Campbell, University of Georgia,, Jul 1, 2009: Is Narcissism Keeping You Single?
Laura L. Carstensen, Stanford University, The New York Times, Jul 8, 2009: Sisters Face Death With Dignity and Reverence.
Robert B. Cialdini, Arizona State University, The Washington Post, Jun 22, 2009: The Time to Mind Your Movie Manners Begins Now.
Joel Cooper, Princeton University, Time, Jul 8, 2009: Yes, I Suck: Self-Help Through Negative Thinking.
Kellina M. Craig-Henderson, National Science Foundation, Science, Jun 12, 2009: Minority Retention Rates in Science Are Sore Spot for Most Universities.
Tim Dalgleish, Cambridge University, Science, May 15, 2009: A Key Role for Similarity in Vicarious Reward.
Edward L. Deci, University of Rochester, US News & World Report, Jun 9, 2009: Happiness Has Nothing to Do With Wealth.
Robert Desimone, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Science, Mar 29, 2009: High-Frequency, Long-Range Coupling Between Prefrontal and Visual Cortex During Attention.
Christopher D. Frith, University College London, Science, May 15, 2009: A Key Role for Similarity in Vicarious Reward.
Howard E. Gardner, Harvard University, The Chronicle Review, Jun 17, 2009: Not Every Child Is Secretly a Genius.
Urs E. Gattiker, Labs, Financial Times, May 14, 2009: Corporate Blogs: New Way to Engage with Stakeholders.
Daniel T. Gilbert, Harvard University, The New York Times, Jul 1, 2009: When Our Brains Short-Circuit.
Amy Gorin, University of Connecticut, Time, Jul 6, 2009: First Comes Love, Then Comes Obesity?
Jonathan D. Haidt, University of Virginia, The New York Times, Jul 1, 2009: When Our Brains Short-Circuit.
Bruce M. Hood, University of Bristol, Science, Jun 12, 2009: Mr. Armstrong’s Jersey and Mr. Rogers’s Sweater.
Janet S. Hyde, University of Wisconsin, Madison, US News & World Report, Jun 1, 2009: Girls Get Math: It’s Culture That’s Skewed.
Marcia K. Johnson, Yale University, The New York Times, May 11, 2009: Judging Honesty by Words, Not Fidgets.
Daniel Kahneman, Princeton University, NPR (Marketplace), Jun 16, 2009: Using Psychology To Save You From Yourself.
Seth C. Kalichman, University of Connecticut, Nature, May 14, 2009: Denying AIDS: Conspiracy Theories, Pseudoscience, and Human Tragedy.
Saul M. Kassin, Williams College, The New York Times, May 11, 2009: Judging Honesty by Words, Not Fidgets.
Alan E. Kazdin, Yale University, ABC News, Mar 9, 2009: Dad’s Age May Lower Junior’s IQ.
Melanie A. Killen, University of Maryland, College Park, ABC News, Mar 9, 2009: Dad’s Age May Lower Junior’s IQ.
Talia Konkle, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Science, Apr 9, 2009: What You See Is What You Feel.
John Kounios, Drexel University, Discover Magazine Blogs, Jun 15, 2009: Stop Paying Attention: Zoning Out Is a Crucial Mental State.
Richard L. Marsh, University of Georgia, Newsweek, Jul 7, 2009: You Didn’t Plagiarize, Your Unconscious Did.
Amina Memon, University of Aberdeen, The New York Times, May 11, 2009: Judging Honesty by Words, Not Fidgets.
Geoffrey F. Miller, University of New Mexico, The New York Times, Jun 29, 2009: Calculating Consumer Happiness at Any Price. Newsweek, Jun 20, 2009: Why Do We Rape, Kill and Sleep Around?
Dean Mobbs, University of Cambridge, Science, May 15, 2009: A Key Role for Similarity in Vicarious Reward.
Elana Newman, University of Tulsa,, Jun 24, 2009: Neda: Latest Iconic Image to Inspire.
Richard E. Nisbett, University of Michigan, The Chronicle Review, Jun 17, 2009: Not Every Child Is Secretly a Genius.
Robert Plomin, Medical Research Council UK, Science, May 1, 2009: Banking on Twins.
Robert R. Provine, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, ScienceNow, NPR Talk, Jun 4, 2009; Nature, Jun 11, 2009: A 10-Million-Year-Old Laugh. Times Online, Mar 22, 2009: The Best Jokes Are the Hardest to Recall.
Valerie J. Purdie-Vaughns, Columbia University, Science, May 1, 2009: Recursive Processes in Self-Affirmation: Intervening to Close the Minority Achievement Gap.
Antonio Rangel, California Institute of Technology, Science, May 1, 2009: Self-Control in Decision-Making Involves Modulation of the vmPFC Valuation System.
Mark A. Reinecke, Northwestern University, ABC News, Mar 9, 2009: Dad’s Age May Lower Junior’s IQ.
Henry L. Roediger, III, Washington University in St. Louis, Newsweek, Jul 7, 2009: You Didn’t Plagiarize, Your Unconscious Did.
Ritch Savin-Williams, Cornell University, The New York Times, Jun 26, 2009: I Love You, Man (as a Friend).
Daniel L. Schacter, Harvard University, Times Online, Mar 22, 2009: The Best Jokes Are the Hardest to Recall. Newsweek, Jul 7, 2009: You Didn’t Plagiarize, Your Unconscious Did.
Jonathan W. Schooler, University of California, Santa Barbara, Discover Magazine Blogs, Jun 15, 2009: Stop Paying Attention: Zoning Out Is a Crucial Mental State.
Susanne Schweizer, MRC Cognition and Brain Science Unit, Science, May 15, 2009: A Key Role for Similarity in Vicarious Reward.
Paul Slovic, University of Oregon, The New York Times, Jul 1, 2009: When Our Brains Short-Circuit.
Donald G. Stein, Emory University, Wall Street Journal (Eastern Edition) (New York, NY), Jun 23, 2009: Brain-Trauma Study Set.
Robert J. Sternberg, Tufts University, The Chronicle Review, Jun 17, 2009: Not Every Child Is Secretly a Genius.
Cass R. Sunstein, University of Chicago, NPR (Marketplace), Jun 16, 2009: Using Psychology To Save You From Yourself.
Laura M. Taylor, Coventry University, The New York Times, May 11, 2009: Judging Honesty by Words, Not Fidgets.
Jean M. Twenge, San Diego State University,, Jul 1, 2009: Is Narcissism Keeping You Single?
Aldert Vrij, University of Portsmouth, The New York Times, May 11, 2009: Judging Honesty by Words, Not Fidgets.
Daniel M. Wegner, Harvard University, Science, , Jul 1, 2009: How to Think, Say, or Do Precisely the Worst Thing for Any Occasion. The New York Times, Jul 6, 2009: Why the Imp in Your Brain Gets Out.
Margo I. Wilson, McMaster University, Newsweek, Jun 20, 2009: Why Do We Rape, Kill, and Sleep Around?
Jeremy M. Wolfe, Brigham & Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, The New York Times, Jun 22, 2009: When an Ear Witness Decides the Case.
JoAnna V. Wood, University of Waterloo,, Jun 11, 2009: Words of Wisdom. Time, Jul 8, 2009: Yes, I Suck: Self-Help Through Negative Thinking.
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