Call for Papers For Special Issue of Ecological Psychology

Call for Papers: The journal Ecological Psychology is considering manuscripts for a special issue in honor of APS Charter Member and Fellow Reuben M. Baron (1936-2023), a singularly significant figure in social psychology and ecological psychology over the past 60 years. Although in broad strokes scientists readily remember Baron for his 1986 paper with David Kenny on analyzing and understanding mediator and moderator variables (the most cited paper in psychology), his most important contributions to theory, beginning in the early 1980s (e.g., Baron, 1980; McArthur & Baron, 1983), were works stimulated by James Gibson’s ideas on ecological psychology and affordances. In this special issue, the journal hopes to honor his legacy by presenting research and theory that is inspired by his remarkable contributions to social and ecological psychology as well as related areas.
Baron was one of the first social psychologists to engage an ecological approach to psychology, and he worked tirelessly to extend the range of issues addressed by social psychologists and ecological researchers (e.g., social coordination and joint action; trust and cooperation; art and architecture; emergence in complex adaptive systems; values in perceiving and acting; affordances for accurate social perception; developmental and historical constraints on action). He persistently encouraged his social psychology colleagues to acknowledge the richness of social information and the possibility of individuals accurately perceiving the affordances of other people and the unfolding social opportunities of social settings. He also challenged his ecological colleagues to take on the social dimension of action and perception rather than waiting until “more basic” issues were settled. For Baron, the social dimension of existence was fundamental.
Articles for the special issue can be theoretical, historical, or empirical but must indicate clearly and substantively how they are related to Baron’s work. The relation may be one that extends, or critiques, or otherwise engages the theoretical and empirical work to which he contributed.
Abstracts (300-500 words) describing the nature of the proposed contribution should be sent to either of the special issue co-editors, Kerry Marsh (Kerry.L.Marsh@uconn.edu) or Bert Hodges (bert.hodges@uconn.edu). For questions or more information, please contact one of the special issue co-editors or click here.
Abstract of proposed contribution is due on December 1, 2023.
Completed articles will be due on March 1, 2024. They are to be submitted through the submission portal of the journal with a cover letter indicating they are for the special issue.
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