New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring valence and arousal in emotion, self-affirmation and academic performance, and calculating mean numerosity.
New Research From Psychological Science
New research exploring overlap between self- and other-oriented brain responses among altruists, spatial interference from linguistic cues, and brain structure and function in relation to action control.
People Can Infer Which Politicians Are Corrupt From Their Faces
People can make better-than-chance judgments about whether unfamiliar politicians have been convicted of corruption simply by looking at their portraits.
You Probably Made a Better First Impression Than You Think
After we have conversations with new people, our conversation partners tend to like us and enjoy our company more than we think.
Harnessing the Power of the Crowd Could Improve Screening Accuracy
Averaging the results from two independent participants improved screening accuracy, whether participants were looking at baggage scans or mammograms.
Replication Project Investigates Effect of Moral Reminders on Cheating Behavior
A large-scale replication effort did not reproduce previous findings showing that people are less likely to cheat on a task after making a list of the Ten Commandments.