Going the Distance: Babies Reach Farther With Adults Around
Eight-month-old infants are much more likely to reach towards distant toys when an adult is present than when they are by themselves, according to research published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. The findings suggest that 8-month-olds understand when they need another person’s help to accomplish a task and act accordingly.
New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science: The Effect of Relative Encoding on Memory-Based Judgments Marissa A. Sharif and Daniel M. Oppenheimer Some theories of decision making suggest that when people encode a stimulus, they represent where the stimulus lies in a distribution rather than the absolute value of the stimulus. How does this tendency to represent information as relative rather than absolute influence decision making? In several studies, participants -- at two timepoints -- evaluated sound clips, the speed of toy cars, or the number of butterflies landing on flowers.
Replication Project Investigates Self-Control as Limited Resource
A new research replication project, involving 24 labs and over 2100 participants, failed to reproduce findings from a previous study that suggested that self-control is a depletable resource.
New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Clinical Psychological Science: Blunted Reward Processing in Remitted Melancholic Depression Anna Weinberg and Stewart A. Shankman Few reliable markers for vulnerability to major depressive disorder (MDD) have been identified, despite its prevalence. This may be due to the variety of subgroups and symptom clusters subsumed under the MDD diagnosis.
Witnesses Confuse Innocent and Guilty Suspects with ‘Unfair’ Lineups
Police lineups in which distinctive individual marks or features are not altered can impair witnesses’ ability to distinguish between innocent and guilty suspects.
Distinct Stages of Thinking Revealed by Brain Activity Patterns
Neuroimaging data can reveal the mental stages people go through as they are solving challenging math problems, according to a new study published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. By combining two analytical strategies, researchers were able to use functional MRI to identify patterns of brain activity that aligned with four distinct stages of problem solving.