New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring: pain and opioid misuse in children; meta-awareness of emotional attention; complicated grief and posstraumatic growth; intolerance of uncertainty and aggression; and central sensitization.
Familiar Voices Are Easier to Understand, Even If We Don’t Recognize Them
Familiar voices are easier to understand and this advantage holds even if we don’t actually recognize a familiar voice, researchers find.
Memory, Science, and a Supreme Court Nomination
Memory researchers provide scientific perspectives on the assault allegations facing a US Supreme Court nominee.
How Researchers Can Find Different Results Using the Same Data
How much variation is there when different researchers analyze the same data? Quite a bit, according to a study published in Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring valence and arousal in emotion, self-affirmation and academic performance, and calculating mean numerosity.
What Research Psychologists Do
Research psychologists use scientific methods to examine questions and test hypotheses with the aim of understanding human thought and behavior.