9th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology
September 26–28, 2011 Eindhoven,The Netherlands www.envpsych2011.eu
43rd European Brain and Behaviour Society Meeting
September 9–12, 2011 Seville, Spain www.ebbs-seville2011.com
Australian Psychological Society Forensic Psychology National Conference
August 4–6, 2011 Noosa, Queensland, Australia www.groups.psychology.org.au/cfp/2011-conference
7th Biennial Conference of the International Academy for Intercultural Research
16th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology
Social Psychology and the Neurosciences: Perspectives and Pitfalls
A half day symposium cosponsored by APS and the European Association of Social Psychology (in conjunction with the EASP 16th General Meeting) July 12, 2011 Stockholm, Sweden www.psychologicalscience.org/convention/aps-easp.html