“The Young Ones” nominated for BAFTA
Harvard Gazette: “The Young Ones,” a BBC series filmed with Harvard Professor of Psychology Ellen Langer, which replicates her Counterclockwise study using British celebrities, has been nominated for a British Academy of Film and Television Awards (BAFTA) Award. The BAFTAs are the British equivalent of the Emmy Awards. The awards ceremony will be held May 22. Read the whole story: Harvard Gazette
Power, Confidence and…Infidelity
Tiger Woods, Bill Clinton and Donald Trump–they’ve all cheated, they’ve all got power, and they’re all men. People often assume that men are more likely to cheat than women, so researchers decided to look at the role of gender and the role of power in infidelity. An upcoming study to be published in Psychological Science found that power has a stronger link to cheating than gender does.
Think it’s easy to be macho? Psychologists show how ‘precarious’ manhood is
Manhood is a “precarious” status—difficult to earn and easy to lose. And when it’s threatened, men see aggression as a good way to hold onto it. These are the conclusions of a new article by University of South Florida psychologists Jennifer K. Bosson and Joseph A. Vandello. The paper is published in Current Directions in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. “Gender is social,” says, Bosson. “Men know this. They are powerfully concerned about how they appear in other people’s eyes.” And the more concerned they are, the more they will suffer psychologically when their manhood feels violated.
Powerful Women as Likely to Cheat as Men, Study Finds
Bloomberg Businessweek: Women in powerful positions are just as likely as men to cheat on their spouses, according to new research. It's widely believed that men are more likely than women to cheat on their spouses, but power appears to be a more important factor than gender, according to the study published April 28 in the journal Psychological Science. "There has been a lot of research in the past that indicates that gender is the strongest predictor of infidelity, but none of these studies have been done on powerful women," Joris Lammers, of Tilburg University in the Netherlands, said in a journal news release. Read the whole story: Bloomberg Businesweek
How Americans Think About Wealth
The Huffington Post: OK, so I confess I woke myself up at 3:45 a.m. to watch the royal wedding, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Who doesn't like a good fairy tale? But in order to savor the spectacle, I had to temporarily suppress my discomfort in the face of such opulence. Behind the fairy tale is some of the most obscene wealth inequality in the world. And it's not just England. Wealth inequality is at historic highs in the U.S. as well, with some estimates suggesting that 1 percent of Americans control nearly half the nation's wealth.
How Happy Are You? A Census Wants to Know
The New York Times: When they filled out the city’s census forms this spring, the people of Somerville got a new question. On a scale of 1 to 10, they were asked, “How happy do you feel right now?” Officials here want this Boston suburb to become the first city in the United States to systematically track people’s happiness. Like leaders in Britain, France and a few other places, they want to move beyond the traditional measures of success — economic growth — to promote policies that produce more than just material well-being.