‘Situational’ Personality Traits: Why You Should Know Yours
The Huffington Post: I think of myself as a fairly easy-going guy -- tolerant, not easily riled up. That is, unless a rude driver cuts me off in traffic. Rudeness triggers the worst in me, and I doubt anyone would describe me as congenial under those circumstances. I can also get moody when I'm tired, and I'm much more affable once I've had my morning coffee. I'm probably more cheerful on Sundays than on Tuesdays. Still, on balance I think most my friends would describe me as easy-going. What I'm describing here -- this seeming contradiction -- is the difference between my global personality and my more nuanced, situational "if-then" profile. Read the whole story: The Huffington Post
“We’ll always have Paris.” Really?
One of the most memorable lines in film comes from the 1942 classic Casablanca, when the cynical ex-pat Rick tells his former lover Ilsa: “We’ll always have Paris.” Rick is referring to their brief romance on the eve of World War II—a courtship that ended abruptly with the Nazi invasion of France. When he speaks those words to Ilsa in the movie’s final scene, Rick has accepted that he and Ilsa will never be reunited. There are higher causes and historical forces at play, but at least they will always have that one cherished memory. Or will they? When the jaded anti-hero Rick speaks those tender words, he is really stating his theory of human memory—and assessing his own.
Psychology of Fear: Why Earthquake Prophecy Has Romans Fleeing
Live Science: Despite seismologists' assurances that there is absolutely no reason to fear a massive earthquake in Rome today (May 11), residents have fled their city by the thousands. They are basing their decision on rumors of a prophecy made almost a century ago by a long-dead pseudoscientist named Raffaele Bendandi. Back in 1915, Bendandi may or may not have predicted that a Rome earthquake would take place on May 11, 2011. Seismologists say earthquake prediction decades ahead of time is impossible. Secondly, there's no major fault line underneath Rome, so massive earthquakes don't happen there.
Guys Have to Earn Their Status
ABC News: Me Tarzan. You Jane. Well, not necessarily, although the ape man was doing what comes naturally when he asserted his manhood on the lady from England. There are biological, as well as social, reasons why a man has to prove his manliness, and a woman does not. And a new effort to explain that difference between the genders concludes that the rights of passage for males at least partly explains why men are more aggressive than women. Manhood, according to psychologists Jennifer K. Bosson and Joseph A.
Brooks-Gunn, Ginsburg Elected To National Academy of Education
Teacher's College - Columbia University: Faculty members Jeanne Brooks-Gunn and Herbert P. Ginsburg have been elected to the National Academy of Education (NAEd). They are among 11 education leaders who were elected to the Academy for their “pioneering efforts in education research and policy development,” the Academy announced. “The newly elected members are preeminent leaders in their respective areas of educational research, and they have had extraordinary impact on education in the U.S.,” said TC President Susan H. Fuhrman, who is also President of NAEd.
White Americans See Anti-White Bias on the Rise
The Wall Street Journal: Both white Americans and black Americans perceive significant progress in the fight against anti-black bias, but white Americans believe the progress has come at their expense, a new survey finds. The researchers contacted a random national sample of 209 whites and 208 blacks, and asked them how much discrimination each group faced, on a scale of one to ten, for each decade since the 1950s. Read the whole story: The Wall Street Journal