Is Violence History?
The New York Times: It is unusual for the subtitle of a book to undersell it, but Steven Pinker's “Better Angels of Our Nature” tells us much more than why violence has declined. Pinker, a professor of psychology at Harvard who first became widely known as the author of "The Language Instinct"' addresses some of the biggest questions we can ask: Are human beings essentially good or bad? Has the past century witnessed moral progress or a moral collapse? Do we have grounds for being optimistic about the future? If that sounds like a book you would want to read, wait, there’s more. In 800 information-packed pages, Pinker also discusses a host of more specific issues.
Can You Really Wash Away Your Troubles?
Huffington Post: It might really be possible to wash your troubles away. A new review of studies published in the journal Current Directions in Psychological Science shows that the act of washing yourself, including religious rites such as baptism, really holds psychological power. Just washing your hands or taking a shower can help people to "rid themselves of a sense of immorality, lucky or unlucky feelings, or doubt about a decision," study researcher Spike W.S. Lee, of the University of Michigan, said in a statement. "The bodily experience of removing physical residues can provide the basis of removing more abstract mental residues." Read the whole story: Huffington Post
Musik verbessert die Sprachfähigkeit
Suddeutsche Zeitung: Eine Studie aus Kanada könnte den Ehrgeiz vieler Eltern anfeuern. Demnach steigertMusikunterricht nicht nur die musischen Fähigkeiten, sondern auch das Sprachvermögen von Kindern. Das berichtet der Neurowissenschaftler Sylvain Moreno im Fachmagazin Psychological Science (online). Der Forscher des Rotman Research Institute in Ontario prüfte mit einem Intelligenztest für Vorschulkinder das räumliche Vorstellungsvermögen sowie die verbalen Fertigkeiten von Vier- bis Sechsjährigen. Read the full story: Suddeutsche Zeitung
Most of brain reacts to winning, losing: study
Montreal Gazette: A new National Hockey League season is upon us, Major League Baseball playoffs are in full swing and the National Football League's regular season has been in session for about a month. As you fixate on your television, watching every move of your favourite athletes and longing for that great play or crucial win that can serve up a rush that can approach orgasm, consider this: New research from Yale University shows even more of your brain than previously thought physically reacts to something perceived as a win or a loss.
Falsche Erinnerungen sind nützlich
ORF Austria: Unser Gedächtnis spielt uns manchmal einen Streich. Sich nicht genau oder falsch an etwas zu erinnern, kann mitunter drastische Folgen haben, etwa vor Gericht. Einem Forscher zufolge können falsche Erinnerungen aber auch positive Effekte haben. Laut einer aktuellen Studie von Mark L. Howe von der britischen Lancaster University waren derartige Trugbilder in unserer Evolution durchaus sinnvoll und sind es bis heute, unter anderem in Hinblick auf unser psychisches Wohlergehen, aber auch beim Lösen mancher Probleme Read the whole story: ORF Austria
Why you really can wash the man out of your hair
Daily Mail: The song was spot on – it is possible to wash that man right out of your hair. A study shows washing has powerful psychological effects, ‘cleansing’ us of negative feelings. In the musical South Pacific, heroine Nellie Forbush managed to ease her confusion over a lover when she sang ‘I’m Gonna Wash That Man Right Outta My Hair’. But psychologists say the same principle applies to a wide range of emotions. ‘By washing the hands, taking a shower or even thinking of doing so, people can rid themselves of a sense of immorality, unlucky feelings, or doubt about a decision,’ said researcher Spike Lee of the University of Michigan in the U.S.