Pain At The Plate: Heat Increases Pitcher Retaliation
NPR: Richard Larrick has been bothered by something for two decades. "Twenty years ago, I'd done a paper with some graduate students just showing that in hotter temperatures, pitchers are more likely to hit batters with pitches," says Larrick, a professor at the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University. Was it because they would sweat more, and the ball might get slippery and hard to control? Or was it something intentional? "Laboratory research has shown that if you put people in a hotter room, they're more likely to act aggressively toward someone else," sometimes without even being aware of it, he says.
Frauen: Aggressiver durchs Stillen
Yahoo Deutschland: Sie absolvierten mit 54 Frauen einen Aggressionstest. Von den Teilnehmerinnen waren 19 kinderlose Frauen, 18 stillende Mütter und 17 Frauen, die ihren Kindern Muttermilchersatz gaben. Bei dem Test sollten sie ein Reaktionsduell an Computern absolvieren. Die angebliche Gegenspielerin war eine von den Forschern eingeschleuste Person, die in der Vorbesprechung durch ein rüdes Verhalten auffiel und so für eine schlechte Atmosphäre gesorgt hatte. Die Gewinnerin des Duells durfte ihre Gegenspielerin per Knopfdruck mit Lärm in zuvor festgelegter Dauer und Lautstärke peinigen. Die Strafe der vermeintlichen Kontrahentin wurde den Frauen zuvor bekannt gegeben.
When Can Making Medical Decisions Be Hazardous to Your Health?
Huffington Post: "Take two aspirin and call me in the morning" may be really good advice after all. That's because a doctor's decision-making abilities may be related to the time of day. Making decisions, choices, seems highly affected by what social psychologists call "decision fatigue," or the gradual deterioration in decision making as mental exhaustion sets in. A doctor's diagnosis after a stressful day may not be as well contemplated as it was first thing in the morning or after some rest, nourishment and not having plowed through a thousand decisions.
Fact Checker: Is the U.S. a land of Haves and Have-Nots?
Reno Gazette-Journal: The claim America is increasingly becoming a land of Haves and Have-Nots. The background What do you think is a fair amount of wealth inequality? Before getting to that, an explanation of "why this question now" is needed. People on the left and right have been noting the disparity in wealth with increasing alarm. The Occupy Wall Street movement has faced mass arrests, pepper spraying and increasing attention. It has spread to Boston, Chicago, LA, Japan -- and Las Vegas and Reno.
First Annual International Multidisciplinary Collaborative Conference on Violence Research & Evidence-Based Practice: Sexual Homicide
Dates: November 7 and 8, 2011 Location: Holiday Inn Arena & Conference Center Binghamton, NY For more information visit: http://www2.binghamton.edu/continuing-education/non-credit-programs/sexual-homicide/
Loving the iPhone? Thank Steve Jobs and Human-Computer Interactions
iTechnologies pave the way for new fields of psychological science The late Steve Jobs is considered the Thomas Edison of our time. His innovations not only sold in a down economy, but the technology created by Jobs revolutionized the way we live our lives and interact with others. With the anticipated release of the iPhone4, a New York Times op-ed by Martin Lindstrom said that brain scans of participants who saw a vibrating iPhone “responded to the sound of their phones as they would respond to the presence or proximity of a girlfriend, boyfriend or family member. In short, the subject didn't demonstrate the classic brain-based signs of addiction.