Seven healthy sins
Edmonton Journal: Everything in moderation. I think of those three words as my mother's superhero buzz-phrase. Not quite as catchy as Bart Simpson's "Don't have a cow, man," or Captain Marvel's "Shazam!" but possibly more instructive. After decades of scare stories on TV and in magazines and newspapers about the dangers of red meat, alcohol, marijuana and sexually transmitted diseases, it's a wonder anyone even gets out of bed in the morning. It's dangerous out there. Liquor, red meat and anger can seriously harm you. And let us not forget the moral, legal and medical complications that travel hand in glove with marijuana and sex.
Q & A With Psychological Scientist Kendall Eskine
Bitter food, bitter guests... make sure you choose your Thanksgiving menu wisely! Researchers have found that the taste of the food and drinks that you serve your guests may impact their moral judgments of you. Read about their research here. Kendall J. Eskine is an assistant professor in the Department of Psychological Sciences at Loyola University New Orleans. He has a special interest in how abstract ideas are entwined with our physical and sensory experiences. Last week we asked our Twitter and Facebook followers to submit questions to Eskine on his research...his answers are below! 1. You cited 'affect as info'.
It’s flu season. Watch your prejudices.
I tried not to breathe too much on the elevator this morning. I was trying to avoid the germs of a fellow who clearly had the flu—or at least a nasty cold. There seems to be a lot of sickness going around right now, and I’m just being prudent. I know it would have been rude to cover my face or turn my back to this guy, so I just held my breath for the 10-story ride. That’s my behavioral immune system kicking in. Behavioral immune system is just a fancy way of summarizing what the mind and body have long known, that one of the most powerful tools we have for staying well is to watch out for sick people, and then give them wide berth.
A defense for Thanksgiving
The Washington Post: Thanksgiving is under assault. Stores that once closed their doors in deference to the holiday are now touting Turkey Day deals starting as early as 9 p.m. Workers who should be on vacation are answering office e-mails on their smartphones. And those who plan on celebrating with a traditional dinner are finding that the cost of a bird is near its 30-year high, according to government data. “I think we have a sort of Norman Rockwell view of Thanksgiving,” said Kit Yarrow, head of the psychology department at Golden Gate University in San Francisco.
Statisticians can prove almost anything, a new study finds
National Post: Catchy headlines about the latest counter-intuitive discovery in human psychology have a special place in journalism, offering a quirky distraction from the horrors of war and crime, the tedium of politics and the drudgery of economics. But even as readers smirk over the latest gee whizzery about human nature, it is generally assumed that behind the headlines, in the peer-reviewed pages of academia, most scientists are engaged in sober analysis of rigorously gathered data, and that this leads them reliably to the truth.
Dietary Supplements Instill Illusion of Invincibility
LiveScience: Imagine a pill that can make you invincible to the dangers of smoking, overeating or other hedonistic pursuits? Some people might think such a pill exists at the local pharmacy in the form of a daily vitamin, two new studies reveal. Researchers from Taiwan found that smokers instructed to take a daily multivitamin smoked more cigarettes than smokers not taking a multivitamin. These results appear in the December issue of the journal Addiction.