2012 Annual Meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences
The 2012 annual meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences will be a joint meeting with the Sociedad Española de Psicología Experimental held at the University of Liège, Belgium on May 10-11, 2012. For more information visit: https://w3.fapse.ulg.ac.be/conferences/BAPSSEPEX/2012/
47th Australian Psychological Society Conference
The 47th Australian Psychological Society Conference will be held September 25-29, 2012 in Perth, Australia. For more information visit: http://www.psychology.org.au/Events/EventView.aspx?EventID=9172&Highlight=1
Psychopaths are just misunderstood… and they could even be cured, researchers say
Daily Mail: The public perception of psychopaths has been shaped by characters such as Alex in A Clockwork Orange or Patrick Bateman in American Psycho. While they are portrayed as charming, dishonest, guiltless, and in some cases, terrifying, new research suggests that psychopathy is actually a much more complex personality disorder. Scientists from the University of California have argued that rather being one condition, psychopathy appears to be a multifaceted condition marked by blends of personality traits. Read the full story: Daily Mail
Cosmopolitan Indonesia: Menurut sebuah studi yang dilakukan di Universitas Purdue, salah satu penyebab obesitas pada pria adalah karena mereka kerap merasa stres diperlakukan tidak adil oleh wanita. So, kegundahan apa lagi yang sering dialami oleh pria, dan apa saja trik yang bisa Anda lakukan untuk mengatasinya? Simak penemuan Cosmo US berikut ini. Anda Menyimpan Dendam Sebuah jurnal ilmu psikologi menunjukkan bahwa pasangan yang hubungan cintanya pulih kembali setelah melalui pertengkaran hebat, cenderung akan memiliki relationship yang lebih bahagia.
Remembering (and Replicating) the Milgram Experiments
Fifty years ago, Stanley Milgram’s famous obedience experiments showed that ordinary people would harm others when instructed to do so by an authority figure. The experiment was recently replicated on the Discovery Channel’s series Curiosity with the help of psychological scientist Jerry Burger. Watch this video to find out what went through the mind of a participant who said no and refused to shock another person. For more on the Milgram experiment, tune in to CNN at 7:30 am on Saturday December 10 or Sunday December 11 to watch Sanjay Gupta’s interview with Jerry Burger and Thomas Blass, both APS Members.
Sorry, Ritalin’s not going to make you smart
The Toronto Star: Popping pills won’t boost your brainpower if you have average or above-average intelligence, according to a new paper published by the Association for Psychological Science. “Are you going to be able to manipulate your physiology to make yourself smarter? Chances are, you’re not going to be able to,” Thomas Hills, a psychology professor at the U.K.-based University of Warwick, told the Star. “Evolution’s already created the best possible physiological environment for you if you don’t have a deficit.” And humans likely won’t get any smarter, according to the paper’s findings.