Real Good For Free: The Paradox of Leisure Time
I’m pretty busy. Like most people I know, I try to balance a lot of different things—a full-time job, household chores, cooking and meals, regular exercise, time with family and friends. Throw in an occasional bike ride, a movie or museum, maybe even reading a book—oh, and sleep—and there aren’t many free minutes left in a typical week. Yet I volunteer my time, too. I do this because it’s a good cause, but also because it makes me feel good. And somewhat surprisingly, I’ve never had the sense that this is one more obligation chipping away at my already compressed day. Indeed, it sometimes seems the other way around, as if working for free eases the time pressure of modern life.
Canadian group studies impact of social networks on mental health
Montreal Gazette: A couple of months ago, Marisa Murray stepped out to grab a bite to eat with a friend. The restaurant they chose was busy, and the table they sat at was shoehorned between two large families. They didn't mind, but as Murray settled in, she found herself paying more attention to the people at the tables beside her than the person at her own. What caught the clinical psychology student's eye was that the families were socializing, but not with each other: Everyone, from the children to the grandparents, was nose deep in an electronic device. "It was so strange. There was no conversation. Within the family, everyone had a cellphone.
Learning to Drive With A.D.H.D.
The New York Times: The first time Jillian Serpa tried to learn to drive, the family car wound up straddling a creek next to her home in Ringwood, N.J. Ms. Serpa, then 16, had gotten flustered trying to sort out a rapid string of directions from her father while preparing to back out of their driveway. “There was a lack of communication,” she said. “I stepped on the gas instead of the brake.” On her second attempt to learn, Ms. Serpa recalled, she “totally freaked out” at a busy intersection. It was four years before she tried driving again.
I Think, Therefore I Exercise: Philosophy and Health
Researchers investigate how dualists, who view the body as separate and independent from the mind, tend to see their bodies and, specifically, their fitness and health.
He aims to humanize health care – Q & A
Boston.com: WHO Dr. Omar Sultan Haque WHAT Haque, a psychology PhD candidate at Harvard, wrote a piece with Adam Waytz in the current issue of Perspectives on Psychological Science about the dehumanization of medicine. Q. What do you mean when you say that medicine has been dehumanized? A. Dehumanization means denying a distinctively human mind to another person. It refers to any situation in which you have diminished appreciation for other people’s mental states. In the medical context it primarily means treating patients like objects - more like pets than people. Labeling people as their diseases. Read the whole story: Boston.com
The Perils of Trying to Unlearn
There are tons of studies about how to improve learning, but what happens when we want to unlearn is less clear. Research on learning by association goes back to Pavlov’s famous experiments in which he taught a dog to expect food at the sound of a bell, but scientists have found that getting a dog — or human — to forget an association once they’ve learned it is really hard. A new paper published in Perspectives on Psychological Science describes how scientists have attempted to change associations.