Why We Make Dumb Choices
Yahoo Health: Decisions, decisions. From the time you wake up (should I hit the snooze?) until you go to bed (should I eat that midnight snack?), you’re making decisions all day long—and some of them turn out to be the wrong ones. Afterward, there’s nothing left to do but shake your head and wonder what you could have been thinking. If you catch a bad decision before you act, however, there’s still time to correct it. That’s where an awareness of common pitfalls comes in handy. Luckily, in the last few years, researchers have learned a lot about psychological factors that can lead smart people to make dumb choices. Here’s what you need to watch out for. Read the whole story: Yahoo Health
Social Psychology A Chilly Reception
The Wall Street Journal: When we don't see what we expect to see in the face of a conversation partner, the situation starts to feel chilly—literally. In one experiment, a female researcher greeted 40 undergraduates either in a chatty, informal way or in a professional, remote fashion. She continued to act in the chosen mode as she guided each participant through a task involving describing photos. As the two talked, the experimenter either subtly mimicked the partner's expressions and mannerisms or strenuously avoided any imitation. Later, the participants were asked, among other things, how cold they thought the room was. Read the whole story: The Wall Street Journal
Allowing the Mind to Wander Aids Creativity
Scientific American: History is rich with 'eureka' moments: scientists from Archimedes to Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein are said to have had flashes of inspiration while thinking about other things. But the mechanisms behind this psychological phenomenon have remained unclear. A study now suggests that simply taking a break does not bring on inspiration -- rather, creativity is fostered by tasks that allow the mind to wander. The discovery was made by a team led by Benjamin Baird and Jonathan Schooler, psychologists at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
When to Punish, and When to Rehabilitate
The New York Times: The Supreme Court is expected to rule this month on when, if ever, it is appropriate to sentence juvenile offenders to life without parole. The arguments this spring showed the complexity of drawing the lines between child and adult, and between justice and cruelty. When minors commit violent crimes, should they be treated differently from adults? Is prison effective as a punishment and deterrent for juveniles, or does it harden a young person who might otherwise recover? Read the whole story: The New York Times
Embattled Childhood: The Real Trauma in PTSD
In 2009, a regiment of Danish soldiers, the Guard Hussars, was deployed for a six-month tour in Afghanistan’s arid Helmand Province, a Taliban stronghold. They were stationed along with British soldiers—270 in all—at a forward operating base called Armadillo. Although none of the Guard Hussars was killed during the tour of duty, they nevertheless experienced many horrors of battle. A commander was seriously injured by a roadside bomb, and a night patrol ended in a firefight that killed and dismembered several Taliban combatants.
Social Media Highlights – 24th Annual APS Convention
With so many great things to do and see at the 24th Annual Convention, it was hard to be at multiple places at once…Luckily, there was Twitter. Using our convention hashtag (#aps2012), attendees were able to instantly post updates and share experiences from convention! Check out some of the highlights that APS reported live from this year’s convention in Chicago!