OppNet Request for Applications: Basic Behavioral Research on Multisensory Processing (R21)
OppNet, NIH’s Basic Behavioral and Social Science Opportunity Network, announces the first of its two FY2013 RFAs: Basic behavioral research on multisensory processing (R21): http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-EY-13-001.html Application due date: October 31, 2012, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization. Purpose: This RFA encourages research grant applications investigating multisensory processing in perception or other behavioral and social outcomes. The FOA is intended to support basic behavioral research projects focused on two or more sensory modalities.
Repeated Exposure to Media Images of Traumatic Events May Be Harmful to Mental and Physical Health
From 24-hour cable news to YouTube and Twitter, today’s mass media can turn local disasters into international events within minutes, and research reveals that widespread transmission can have a traumatic impact far beyond the people who are directly exposed.
Can Bilingualism Counteract Effects of Poverty?
Education Week: The bilingual brain is sharper than the monolingual one, more and more research is showing. People with fluency in at least two languages have better attention spans, enhanced memory, among other cognitive advantages. But do those same cognitive strengths show up in bilingual children who are low-income? In other words, can bilingualism help children in low-income communities overcome the enormous cognitive challenges that poverty presents? A soon-to-be published study from Pascale Engel de Abreu of the University of Luxembourg and colleagues takes a look at that very question. Their answer in a nutshell: yes.
Pardon Me! A Fearless Look at Our Bodies’ Mundane Functions
The New York Times: When you go straight to the most shocking piece of information in a book, there’s always a spoiler risk. So let me just say that the strange tale I am about to recount is one of many in this new book. As you may have guessed, I am about to dip into the category listed in the subtitle as “beyond” yawning, laughing and hiccupping. It includes, among other behaviors, itching, crying, and the body’s two ways of expelling digestive gases, belching, and the other one. The author, Robert R. Provine, would not be so reticent in describing the other one. In fact, Dr.
Psychologist Carol Ryff on Wellbeing and Aging: The FPR Interview
PLOS: Dr. Carol D. Ryff, Professor of Psychology and Director of the Institute on Aging at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, speaks with science writer Karen A. Frenkel about well-being in the United States and Japan, and different attitudes towards aging. She also compares Western and Eastern types of intervention to promote well-being. Since 1995, Dr. Ryff and her Wisconsin team have been studying 7,000 individuals and examining factors that influence health and well-being from middle age through old age. The study is called MIDUS (Mid-Life in the U.S. National Study of Americans). Dr. Ryff is also involved in a parallel study in Japan known as MIDJA (Midlife in Japan).
Understanding the Psychology of the American Idea of Choice
Scientific American: Choice is a fundamental American value that often lies at the center of heated political discussions. For example, disputes about the Affordable Healthcare Act have hinged on whether buying health insurance should be a personal choice. Recent research suggests that thinking about our lives in terms choices may reduce our support for public policies that promote greater equality in society. By emphasizing free will over the situational factors that shape people’s life experiences, thinking about choice may lead us to view inequality as less bothersome. Read the whole story: Scientific American