23rd Annual Neuroscience Conference
Baycrest presents the 23rd Annual Neuroscience Conference Brain Plasticity and Neurorehabilitation March 4-6, 2013 Westin Harbour Castle Hotel, Toronto ON Canada. Details at http://research.baycrest.org/conference
“It was a dark and stormy divorce . . .”
About 2 million men and women go through marital separation every year, and many of those separations end in divorce. These stressful and painful events are known to cause all sorts of problems later on, including serious depression and deteriorating health. Despite this, very little is known about what really works to promote healing after a difficult breakup. One promising intervention is what’s known as “expressive writing,” which involves disclosing one’s deepest thoughts and feelings through daily writing exercises.
Exploring the Financial Costs of Sadness
Your emotions can certainly impact your decisions, but you might be surprised by the extent to which your emotions affect your pocketbook. New research from psychological scientist Jennifer Lerner of the Harvard Kennedy School of Government and colleagues Ye Li and Elke U. Weber of Columbia University explores how impatience brought on by sadness can in turn produce substantial financial loss. The study is published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.
Everyone Judges Sexy Women — but Why?
“Are sexualized women seen as complete human beings?” — and if not, why? A group of psychological scientists led by Jeroen Vaes of the University of Padova, Italy, tried to answer these questions by studying volunteers’ reactions to photographs. They found that both men and women tend to view sexually objectified women as having characteristics that are “less than human”; however, they also found that men and women dehumanize sexualized women for very different reasons. The results were published in the European Journal of Social Psychology. Vaes and his colleagues recruited heterosexual male and female study participants at an Italian university.
Sandy coverage may cause PTSD in anxious children
CBS: The current media coverage on natural disasters like superstorm Sandy can show some devastating and frightening images, especially for young children. A new study shows that children who have anxiety may be more susceptible to developing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) just by watching disaster coverage on TV. Previous research has suggested that there is a link between watching traumatic events on TV like 9/11 or Hurricane Katrina and PTSD. PTSD symptoms can include hyperarousal, feeling tense, anxious worrying that the significant event will happen again, re-experiencing the event and being "keyed-up" tense. Read the whole story: CBS
Stop bickering and look out for the asteroids! An interview with Jonathan Haidt
The Washington Post: Voters are already casting early ballots. The candidates have been crisscrossing the country, dodging megastorm Sandy (although they halted campaign activities Tuesday in the wake of the storm). Both parties are practically turning swing states, such as Ohio and Florida, upside-down in an effort to shake out every last vote. Campaign ads seem to be everywhere, plaguing cord cutters and cable and satellite subscribers alike. It’s the homestretch of a tight race, and as the candidates continually remind the electorate, the stakes could not be higher, so why take a risk and vote for the other guy?