Bernhard Leidner
University of Massachusetts Amherst http://people.umass.edu/bleidner/ What does your research focus on? My research focuses on questions of morality and justice in the context of large-scale violence and conflict between groups. Why do people engage in destructive conflict? How do they justify it to others and themselves? How do their identities shape, and are shaped by, conflict? I’m specifically interested in the destructive and constructive powers of morality as well as justice mechanisms (e.g., trials), how they can foster reconciliation or plant seeds for future violence. What drew you to this line of research and why is it exciting to you?
Michael W. Kraus
Michael W. Kraus University of Illinois at Urbana—Champaign www.krauslab.com What does your research focus on? I study a wide variety of topics that can be organized into a few specific themes. One major area of research focuses on how different aspects of social hierarchy (e.g., social class, power, respect) influence self-expressive or empathic processes. A second area of research investigates the social functions of emotions — in particular, how positive emotion expressions (e.g., smiles, touch) leak information about our core motivations. A third area of research is focused on how working models from past relationships influence the formation of new relationships.
Spring Breakers Beware: Psychological Science Explores Excess Drinking
South Beach, Cancun, and other warm destinations are beckoning many college students as spring break descends across the United States and Canada. The annual trek to sunny beaches offers a change of pace from students’ academic lives, but it also tempts many freshly minted adults to engage in alcohol-fueled hedonism. Researchers have a long history of examining both the psychological lure and effects of binge drinking. They’ve found that the science of drinking is highly complex, with a mix of genetic and situational influences driving behavioral outcomes.
Kristiina Kompus
University of Bergen, Norway www.uib.no/persons/Kristiina.Kompus What does your research focus on? Involuntary cognition, that is: complex mental acts which occur without volition or intention to perform them. For instance, involuntary retrieval of episodic memories, having a song “stuck” in your head, auditory hallucinations. Thus, such experiences range from benign features of everyday life to symptoms of psychiatric disorders, which is apparently determined by how much cognitive control you are able to exert over the experience once you become conscious of it.
Joshua Jackson
Washington University in St. Louis http://pages.wustl.edu/personality What does your research focus on? My research is in the field of personality development. In general, I am interested in examining how personality changes across the lifespan and what experiences shape personality. To answer these research questions, it is important to identify the most effective ways to measure personality and personality change. Given this, a large amount of my work also examines different methods of assessing personality, as well as the structure of personality. Ultimately, I hope to identify the processes that lead to personality stability and personality change.
David Frederick
Chapman University sites.google.com/site/davidfrederickpsychology/ What does your research focus on? I am fascinated by the tremendous variation in sexuality that is observed across the world, across historical time, within each sex, and even within a given individual over time. My work is part of a broader interdisciplinary attempt to understand the ways that evolved physiological and psychological systems interact with social influences to shape behavior and preferences. My research examines questions such as: How did evolutionary processes shape the human body and mind? How have shifting gender roles changed the nature of romantic relationships?