Imagining Dialogue Can Boost Critical Thinking
Examining an issue as a debate or dialogue between two sides helps people apply deeper, more sophisticated reasoning when thinking about that issue.
New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science: When Perception Trumps Reality: Perceived, Not Objective, Meaning of Primes Drives Stroop Priming Anders Sand and Mats E. Nilsson The researchers investigated whether the perceived meaning of a stimulus, rather than the objective meaning, drives semantic congruency priming. Researchers used a Stroop priming paradigm to present participants with stimuli. A prime word, either the word "blue" or "red," was displayed in gray font for varying amounts of time. The prime was followed by a target stimulus, either a blue or a red rectangle.
Multilab Replication Project Examines Cooperation Under Time Pressure
A large-scale replication effort aimed to reproduce a 2012 study showing that people forced to decide quickly contributed more to a communal pot than did those who had to wait before deciding.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring the neural representation of interpretive frameworks, motor planning for joint action, and the influence of attention on spatial resolution.
To Understand Others’ Minds, ‘Being’ Them Beats Reading Them
We may believe we can tell what others are experiencing by observing them – but new research shows we’d get a much better idea if we put ourselves in their shoes instead.
Teens Drive More Safely in the Months After a Crash
Research involving actual driving data from over 250 teens suggests that involvement in a severe crash may prompt adolescents to engage in safer driving behavior.