Members in the Media
From: The New York Times

Raising a Transgender Child

The New York Times:

In September 2015, Vanessa and JR Ford sent a group email to announce that their 4-year-old, whom their family and friends knew as their son, would be starting prekindergarten that year as “her true self” — a girl named Ellie.

The Fords’ decision to help Ellie transition socially from boy to girl was not something they did on a whim. Starting well before age 4, Ellie showed countless signs of being unhappy as a boy: being sullen; drawing self-portraits as a stick-figure girl; pretending to be female superheroes; dressing up in princess costumes.

The family also is participating in a study called the TransYouth Project, led by Kristina Olson, an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Washington in Seattle, who is featured in the documentary. The research is the first large-scale, national, longitudinal study to examine the development of transgender and gender nonconforming children.

Read the whole story: The New York Times

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