Members in the Media
From: NPR

Playing Video Games Can Help Or Hurt, Depending On Whom You Ask


Parents worry that video games are bad for kids, but the evidence on how and why they may be harmful has been confusing.

“Most of popular media puts the most emphasis of concern on aggression,” says psychologist Jay Hull from Dartmouth College. “But aggression is just the tip of the iceberg.”

So Hull looked at other negative behaviors that could be affected by gaming, including binge drinking, smoking cigarettes and unprotected sex. His study found that teenagers who regularly play violent video games such as Manhunt and the Grand Theft Auto series are more likely to take those risks.

The study was published Monday in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

Previously Hull led a study that looked at the relationship between violent video games and reckless driving habits. Playing games that promote “acting evil” may distort a teen’s sense of right and wrong, Hull says. In that study he found that teens who played violent video games were more likely to drive recklessly, such as cutting people off while on the highway. Both studies, he says, conclude that video games alter a teen’s sense of self.

Read the whole story: NPR

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And so starts the 1000 year journey towards the enlightenment of games and gamers alike….

We should look to the television for reference. The Tee Vee after all was invented specifically for the purpose of giving lectures all over the world. Here only the meteorologist managed to defeat the not so proverbial end boss.

All other sciences strangely stayed behind as if oblivious to the purpose of lecturing. Was their game now exposed as one of elitism? The cult of science vs everyone else? Did they perhaps reveal the dinosauric colors of scientific publishing? Or both?

One thing is for sure, the modern cowards of science cant even grasp the idea that gamers are not doing EVERYTHING else while they game and they game and they game some more. At least an alcoholic gets out of the house, he might even have friends. Imagine that?

Like the bible writes that everyone is a representative of the faith and that the anti-christ shall reveal himself as its lone representative – we now have the anti-scientists representing the [now] church of science. The holy church of science where singular hypothesis are to be had. A truth free from conflict and free from all other intellectual exercise.

After some virtual killing the ignorance of the subject is easily indoctrinated, then they can be shipped off to war. If after a thousand glorious Vietnam movies (all free from facts) one still don’t get how it works it probably wont happen at all. A lost cause if we’ve ever had one. It must be quite the mystery to such why the militards are spending so much money indoctrinating everyone with violence.

Yours very amused,


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