Members in the Media
From: NPR

New Research Finds Trans Teens Have High Satisfaction With Gender Care

A study published Monday in JAMA Pediatrics finds that transgender teenagers who have pursued medical interventions like puberty blockers and hormones are highly satisfied with their care.

“Regret was very rare,” says lead author Kristina Olson, a psychology professor at Princeton University.

It’s the latest research from the TransYouth Project, which Olson started in 2013, when transgender youth was a fairly obscure research area, far from the political limelight.

Back then, “our team was interested in recruiting a group of kids who were socially transitioning,” she explains, meaning they started using new pronouns and names and clothes in childhood, between age 3 and 12. They found 300 families, and have followed them since, to see “what their life would look like as they moved into adolescence and adulthood.”

Read the whole story (subscription may be required): NPR

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