How Digital Driving Advice Can Help Motorists Go Green
No one likes a backseat driver, but motorists may be more amenable to suggestions when support systems take the time to explain recommendations. Visit Page
Opioids and Driving: A Prescription for Crashes
Among those who used prescription pain relievers regularly, 14.4% reported driving after taking opioids. Visit Page
Psychological Research May Offer a Route to Greener Travel
The researchers used a ‘stage-of-change’ model originally designed as a smoking cessation intervention. Visit Page
Buckle Your Truck Up: Factors That May Slacken Seat Belt Use
As a possible explanation, the authors write that males “generally tend to make riskier decisions in order to show how self-confident they are in being the ‘stronger’ sex.” Visit Page
How Monotony Promotes Sleepiness in Self-Driving Vehicles
Scientists are studying whether engaging in interesting tasks in an autonomous car might keep drivers awake and alert, or might distract them from preparing to take control of the vehicle when necessary. Visit Page
Crash Risks May Spike Immediately After a Near Miss
The short period of time after narrowly averting a vehicular accident is a vulnerable one for drivers, especially in city driving. Visit Page