A Meaningful Job Linked to Higher Income and a Longer Life
Longitudinal research reveals that individuals with a strong sense of purpose are more likely to outlive – and outearn – their less purposeful peers.
Can’t Wait to Celebrate: Holiday Cheer Increases Impulsivity
World financial markets tend to spike just before holidays, new research suggests this may be because “holiday euphoria” prompts impulsive behavior.
The Trait That Turns Some Bosses into Micromanagers
Individuals who felt powerless, despite a high-ranking leadership position, were far less likely to share decision-making authority with their subordinates.
You’re Less Persuasive Than You Think Over Email
People overestimated the persuasiveness of email requests and underestimated the effectiveness of requests made face-to-face.
Financial Impulsivity Increases as the Workday Wears On
After completing several hours of challenging cognitive tasks, people’s financial decision-making style shifted to favor splurging over saving.
Cultivating Employee Curiosity is Good for Business
New research suggests that a strong sense of curiosity may be one personality trait that can enhance people’s creative problem-solving abilities.