From: Huffington Post

Are Parental Decisions Driven by Reason or Emotions

Huffington Post:

Many young couples face some version of this dilemma today: They’ve decided they want to have children in the near future — they’re not on the fence about that — but the financial reality is that they both have to work. They need both their earnings, not for a fancy lifestyle but just to pay the bills and save a bit. So when the day comes that they do become parents, they will almost certainly have to send their young child to some kind of day care, so that they both can continue to work. That’s their world.

But in their hearts they believe that children are better off raised at home, by a stay-at-home parent. So they’re conflicted emotionally, and as decision time nears, they do what young prospective parents do: They read.

Read the whole story: Huffington Post

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