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41991Volume 4, Issue5September 1991

About the Observer

The Observer is the online magazine of the Association for Psychological Science and covers matters affecting the research, academic, and applied disciplines of psychology. The magazine reports on issues of interest to psychologist scientists worldwide and disseminates information about the activities, policies, and scientific values of APS.

APS members receive a monthly Observer newsletter that covers the latest content in the magazine. Members also may access the online archive of Observer articles going back to 1988.

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  • An APS Pledge Fulfilled

    It arrived the other day, and blew me away! The 1991 APS Membership Directory had a visceral impact that APS statistics, much as I love them, never have had. Oh, I've known for a long time that we've been growing at a phenomenal rate. Alan Kraut has described us as the fastest growing scientific society in the known universe, and he's right. I've also known for a while that we're big, and getting bigger. It was the 1991 Membership Directory, laying alongside of the 1990 edition, which made our growth and size — over 12,000 members — tangible. Awesome. Of course it is not the Directory, per se.

First Person