Guidelines for Publication of Supplemental Online Material in Clinical Psychological Science

Authors are free to submit certain types of supplemental material for online-only publication. If the manuscript is accepted for publication, such material will be published online on the publisher’s web site, linked to the article. However, such material must be supplemental and cannot be essential for the reader to understand the manuscript. Please see the Submission Guidelines and Contributor FAQ for additional information.

Conventions for naming files that contain supplemental material

Please use the following conventions for naming files:

• Any material that would appear as a table in the main text (e.g., a list of stimuli, additional results) should appear in files named FirstAuthorLastNameTableS1, FirstAuthorLastNameTableS2, etc. (e.g., AndersonTableS1)

• Additional figures should appear in files named FirstAuthorLastNameFigS1, FirstAuthorLastNameFigS2, etc. (e.g., AndersonFigS1)

• Videos should appear in files named FirstAuthorLastNameVideoS1, FirstAuthorLastNameVideoS2, etc. (e.g., AndersonVideoS1)

• Files containing supplemental materials that do not fit into these categories should be given brief descriptive titles, such as FirstAuthorLastNameAdditionalAnalyses or FirstAuthorLastNameMethodologicalDetails. If you have questions about how to name such a file, feel free to e-mail us at [email protected].

Conventions for citing supplemental material within the manuscript

“Table S2 in the Supplemental Material available online presents findings for individual scenarios.”

“Serial-position curves for individuals are shown in Figure S1 in the Supplemental Material available online.”