Call for Submissions FAQs

What is the Call for Submissions?
When will the Call for Submissions open and close?
Can I submit my proposal or submission via email or regular mail?
Is APS membership required to submit to the APS Annual Convention?
When will I hear back about the decision regarding my submission?
How will my co-authors be notified of the decision about our submission, and find out other information about the Convention?
Is there a limit to how many presentations I can submit?
Can I submit the same research to both the in-person APS Annual Convention and the APS Global Psychological Science Summit?
Who reviews the submissions?
Are there awards available for Posters?
What if my presentation does not fit into the defined subject areas or keyword areas?
Is there a limit to how many co-authors I can include in my submission?
The order in which the authors are listed is very important. How do I make sure the order will be correct in the program?
What is the difference between an Abstract and a Supporting Summary?
Why don’t the symbols or formatting of my abstract or summary appear correctly?
Where can I submit my bibliography/reference list?
I just finalized my submission, and I realized that there is an error in it. How can I make the necessary corrections?
What audiovisual equipment will be available to me for my presentation?
How much time do I have for my presentation?
When are presentations scheduled?
What is the Ethics Policy & Code of Conduct?
Are there any opportunities for financial assistance to attend Convention?

For more detailed information, please review the full submission rules and guidelines: 

Still Have Questions?

Contact [email protected].