The Devotion Leap
The New York Times: The online dating site OkCupid asks its clients to rate each other’s attractiveness on a scale of 1 to 5. When men rated the women, the median score was about 3 and the ratings followed a bell curve — a few really attractive women and an equal number of women rated as unattractive. But when women rated men, the results were quite different. The median score was between 1 and 2. Only 1 in 6 of the guys was rated as having above average looks. Either the guys who go to places like OkCupid, Tinder and other sites are disproportionately homely, or women have unforgiving eyes. Looks, unsurprisingly, dominate online dating.
Your Pet Says More About Your Personality Than You Might Think
The Huffington Post: Cat people and dog people really do have different personality traits, new research suggests. People who own cats tend to be more creative, adventurous, and anxious. Dog owners, on the other hand, tend to be more extroverted, secure, and risk-averse. Those differences were seen in a fascinating new study (see video above) by scientists at the University of California, Berkeley and California State University, East Bay. And in addition to pinpointing those personality differences, the researchers uncovered something surprising about pet owners' affection for their companion animals. Read the whole story: The Huffington Post
Even Airports Can Have Inferiority Complexes
New York Magazine: Strongly signaling your inclusion in a group does not always mean you’re a core member of that group — sometimes it means you’re actually on the fringe. If it’s a high-status group, jumping up and down yelling that you’re one of the cool kids might, in fact, signal status anxiety. In a new and highly self-aware paper, researchers at the University of Pennsylvania (a real Ivy, they’ll have you know) demonstrated this phenomenon in several contexts, ranging from Ivy undergrads to "international" airports. Read the whole story: New York Magazine
Brain Science: The Patriots Will Forget Deflategate
TIME: Distraction: it might be the most needlessly analyzed term in all of sports. Especially over the last year or so. Jason Collins signs with the Nets: will the first openly gay player in the NBA serve as a distraction? (Turns out, no). Will Michael Sam fall in the NFL draft, because teams fear that the first openly gay player in the NFL would distract the locker room? (Such a fear surely cost Sam draft position). Every year, distractions are a rote Super Bowl story line. Will the players be able to handle all ticket requests, the glare and anticipation of over a hundred million Americans, and still play football? This year, the distractions lurk like a lobby autograph hound.
Bilingual Studies Reveal Flaw In How Info Reaches Mainstream
NPR: A host of studies and popular reports tout the cognitive benefits of being bilingual. Is that because being bilingual has mental benefits, or because the science is biased? You know, there's a theory that if you know more than one language, it makes your brain stronger. That theory has shown up in scientific journals and newspapers and magazines. Es impresionante pero es la verdad. The truth is it's a bit more complicated. And that fact might expose a flaw in how scientific research reaches the mainstream. Our own David Greene spoke about that with NPR's Shankar Vedantam. Hey, Shankar. Hi, David. Well, let's start with this theory. What is it?
The Value of Remembering Ordinary Moments
The Atlantic: At Christmastime, my brother, my father, and our chocolate Labrador pile into the car to drive across the state of Washington to see my grandparents. We’ve been doing it since I was born. The three of us—before my brother and I put our headphones in to tune everything out—try to have meaningful conversations. Soon I’ll go back to school in England, my brother will go back to school in California, and Dad will go back to work in Washington, a transatlantic triangle keeping us apart. The three of us are together twice a year, at best, but on our car trip there’s rarely anything new exchanged.