Path to My Postdoc: Creating Collaborative Connections
Researchers shared their experiences with the postdoctoral process, including applications, securing funding, and the value of publications.
Haunted House Researchers Investigate the Mystery of Playing With Fear
New research connects a sweet spot of recreational fear to a telltale range of heart rate fluctuations, shedding light on the mind-body connection between fear and fun.
New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on how trust may increase exposure to infection, wisdom of the crowd, aging and memory for distractors, social distancing motivated by empathy, using fake-news to enhance memory for facts, children’s cognitive reflection and understanding of science, and choice-induced preference in infancy.
Three Trouble Spots Facing Women in Science—and How We Can Tackle Them
APS Member/Author: Leah H. Somerville Women are pursuing careers in science at rates never seen before, and this growing representation of female voices is truly exciting. Yet we are well aware that the academic community has not solved all the problems facing women. That’s why we’re using this column to highlight three challenges that we see as particularly relevant across the sciences—and what we as an academic community can do about them. This is based on a paper June co-authored with more than 50 of her psychology colleagues listing trouble spots that continue to hinder the advancement of women in their field.
Scott Lilienfeld, Psychologist Who Questioned Psychology, Dies at 59
Clinical Psychological Science Editor Scott O. Lilienfeld (1960-2020) Scott Lilienfeld, an expert in personality disorders who repeatedly disturbed the order in his own field, questioning the science behind many of psychology’s conceits, popular therapies and prized tools, died on Sept. 30 at his home in Atlanta. He was 59. The cause was pancreatic cancer, his wife, Candice Basterfield, said. Dr. Lilienfeld’s career, most of it spent at Emory University in Atlanta, proceeded on two tracks: one that sought to deepen the understanding of so-called psychopathic behavior, the other to expose the many faces of pseudoscience in psychology.
Interventions May Have Lasting Benefits
The benefits of interventions—actions or policies intended to elicit a change in a person’s life—may either be lasting or fade over time.