To Boost Concern for the Environment, Emphasize a Long Future, Not Impending Doom
Researchers find that one strong way to encourage environmentally-friendly behavior is to emphasize the long life expectancy of a nation, and not necessarily its imminent downfall.
New Ways to Fight ‘Imposter Fears’
The Wall Street Journal: Feeling as if you don't belong—that you've landed in a fortunate spot by luck or by accident—can send anyone into a tailspin, from college students to corporate executives. Imposter fears are common among men and women alike, research shows, and are blamed for an array of problems, from high college-failure and dropout rates to low female participation in math, engineering and science jobs. ...
New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Clinical Psychological Science: The Geography of Intimate Partner Abuse Experiences and Clinical Responses Anne P. DePrince, Susan E. Buckingham, and Joanne Belknap Studies examining the effects of intimate-partner abuse (IPA) often focus specifically on the victim; fewer studies examine the effect of ecological factors in victims' responses to IPA. Ethnically diverse women who had been the victims in police-reported IPA cases were assessed for incident severity, incident-related fear, and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms. The researchers also collected information characterizing the communities in which the IPA incidents occurred.
Yes, Your Toddler Really Is Smarter Than A 5-Year-Old
NPR: Parents, does your 18-month-old seem wise beyond her years? Science says you're not fooling yourself. Very small children can reason abstractly, researchers say, and are able to infer the relationships between objects that elude older children who get caught up on the concreteness of things. In experiments at the University of California, Berkeley, children as young as 18 months were able to figure out the relationship between colored blocks. The child would watch a researcher put two blocks on top of a box. If the blocks were identical, the box would play music. The majority of children were able to figure out the pattern after they were shown it just three times.
This president had the most ‘grandiose narcissism’
USA Today: When you're running the country, being narcissistic may come in handy. Psychologists and experts on presidential personalities have put together a list of the presidents who had the most "grandiose narcissism" — which, the Houston Chronicle explains, is characterized by a showy and extroverted personality. That's in contrast to "vulnerable narcissism," which involves being more sensitive. More than 100 authorities on various presidents assessed the leaders' traits; to judge a president's success, researchers referred to surveys of historians, Futurity reports. Our most grandiosely narcissistic president? One Lyndon Baines Johnson, the study finds. ...
Some people can ‘see’ in total darkness, study says
USA Today: At least 50 percent of people can see the movement of their own hand even in the absence of all light, according to a new study. Kevin Dieter, a postdoctoral fellow at Vanderbilt University, devised experiments to study the phenomenon. How does Dieter explain the finding? "What we normally perceive of as sight is really as much a function of our brains as our eyes," said Dieter, echoing the study's claim published in the journal Psychological Science. The idea for the study came from cognitive science professors Duje Tadin of Rochester University and Randolph Blake of Vanderbilt, who stumbled upon the occurrence while devising experiments for an unrelated study.