Personalities Don’t Usually Change Quickly but They May Have During the Pandemic
The global coronavirus pandemic disrupted almost everything about our lives, from how we work and go to school, to how we socialize (Zoom happy hours, anyone?!), and ultimately strained trust in many of the overarching systems we depend on, from health care to government. New research suggests it may have changed Americans' personalities, too, and not for the better. Typically, major personality traits remain fairly stable throughout life, with most change happening in young adulthood or when stressful personal life events occur.
Patients Believe in Psychotherapy More When Practitioners Demonstrate Warmth and Competence
Therapists high in competence and warmth may also boost patients’ willingness to continue treatment and even improve clinical outcomes.
New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A sample of research on heart rate variability, psychological distress across adulthood, personality dysfunction, mental-health trajectories of parents of young children during COVID-19, and much more.
Can Shifting Social Norms Help Mitigate Climate Change?
An interdisciplinary team of researchers reports on how social norms can be harnessed to bring about collective climate action and policy change.
6 Ways You’re Thinking Wrong–and What You Can Do About Them
WHEN I WAS a graduate student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, doing research in cognitive psychology, our lab group went out every now and then for nachos and beers. It was a great opportunity for us to ask our adviser about things that wouldn't likely come up in our more formal meetings.
Why Dates and Times Seem to Lose Their Meaning
The dates on the calendar and the time on a clock are some of the most ubiquitous and easily understood numbers in our lives. And yet over the past two years, many Americans have felt time blur: They lose track of the day or hour, think more (or less) time has elapsed than actually has, and can’t place exactly when a traumatic event actually happened. It isn’t their imagination. Psychology has a term for it: “temporal disintegration”—when the present seems disconnected from the continuity of time—and it plays an important role in how we perceive and respond to trauma. ...