Why Do People Cheat?
I'm Lesley Hathorn from the Metropolitan State College of Denver, and I presented my research at the APS 23rd Annual Convention in Washington, DC.
Working Memory Dissociates From Linguistic Processing
My name is Janet Cohen Sherman from Massachusetts General Hospital and I presented my research at the APS 23rd Annual Convention.
Retrospective Evaluations in Capuchin Monkeys
I'm Venkat Lakshminarayanan from Yale University, and I presented my research at the APS 23rd Annual Convention in Washington, DC.
APS Convention Video Blog: Choices Both Reflect and Affect Preferences (French Too)
I'm Géraldine Coppin from the Swiss Center for Affective Sciences and the University of Geneva, and I presented my research at the APS 23rd Annual Convention in Washington, DC. In French:
Relationships Between Facebook Intensity, Self-Esteem, and Personality
My name is Terry Pettijohn from Coastal Carolina University, and I presented my research at the APS 23rd Annual Convention in Washington, DC.
That Looks Good, But Would I Eat It?: A Cognitive Dissonance Study
My name is Zachary J. Kunicki and I'm Bridgette C. Pasquarella from Western Connecticut State University and I presented my research at the APS 23rd Annual Convention in Washington, DC.